La Bouche - In Your Life Lyrics
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In Your Life Song Lyrics
La Bouche
Song Title:
In Your Life
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In your life x8
In your life
Like sitting on a ferris wheel
Watching the world go around and around it goes
Maybe that's how lovers feel
Up and down, where it stops nobody knows
How many tears
or How many broken hearts
Just how many sorrows
How much you'll take
In your life
In your life x8
No body knows, Ole Ole Ole ola
Lonely heart of a little boy
Waiting for his daddy with a brand new toy
Lonely eyes of a pretty little girl
How many tears
or How many broken hearts
Just how many sorrows
How much you'll take
In your life
In your life x8
No body knows, Ole Ole Ole ola
In your life
No body knows, Ole Ole Ole ola
For god so loved the world
He gave his only begotten son
That who so ever believed in him
Shall not perish
But have everlasting life
No body knows
I know I could be in your life
Forever in your life
I know I should be by your side
Forever in your life
Cause this is what it all comes down to
In your life
This is what it all comes down to
In your life
In your life x8
No body knows, Ole Ole Ole ola
In your life
No body knows, Ole Ole Ole ola
No body knows, Ole Ole Ole ola
In your life
No body knows, Ole Ole Ole ola
In your life
In Your Life Lyrics
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Other La Bouche song Lyrics
Shoo Bee Do Bee Do
I feel good, like I should
I was out for love and there you stood
I prayed to God to make it last..."
Mama Look (I Love Him)
"Mama look, I love him
Mama look, I love him
Mama look, I love him
Mama look, I love him..."
Another Night Another Dream
"ooh.. ooh..
Another night another dream but always you
It's like a vision of love that seems to be true
Another night another dream but always you..."
Do You Hear What I Hear?
"Do you hear what I hear?
Do you feel it?
Do you feel it?
It's Christmas!..."
Fallin In Love(Euromix)
"I could never see what they had planned for me
Yet, and then you came
Made a dream my reality
Maybe you can see all the things you've lend to me..."
In My Position
"How much do you think anyone could stand,
No matter if you try to understand,
Here in my position? Here in my position
Do you ever think about me..."
La Bouche-In Your Life
"In your life x8
In your life
Like sitting on a ferris wheel
Watching the world go around and around it goes..."
Mamma Look (I Love Him)
"Mamma look, I love him
Mamma look, I love him
Mamma look, I love him
Mamma look, I love him..."
...Show All
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La Bouche Singer
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