La Chicane - Hold Me Down Lyrics

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Artist: La Chicane
Song Title: Hold Me Down
Visits: 918
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Hold me down for good
Don't over let me up again
Don't let me slip away again
Never to return
I don't think I have the will power
To stay grounded on my own
Why after midnight
Can't I find my own way home?

Tie me down forever
Til my wrists drip blood
Don't give me room to cut the ropes
And drift off in the night
I can't contain my urge to run
From those who need me most
I guess it only means
That my fears have control of me

Hold me down, hold me down
Don't ever let me go
Hold me down, hold me down
Don't ever let me go

Lock me in the bedroom
Throw away the keys
It seems to be the only way
You can depend on me

Hold me down, hold me down
Don't ever let me go
Hold me down, hold me down
Don't ever let me go

I'll keep my fellings buried
We'll make believe I'm happy
I'll dig them up some other day
When you won't be around

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