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Welcome To Planet Motherfucker/Psychoholic Slag Song Lyrics
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woven in the surface a premonition of a land erupting a sparkling occasion of a city crashdown!
overhead revolv'n in a whirlpool a drag-o-rama walk'n on the sidewalk so let me see ya howl'n
through the keyhole "god damn, swept away" she shouted - she love it - get in away yeah! I
concentrate the midnight without the benefit of ceremony - whoever said, "The one who strips your
soul is the one that got away" a weather-beaten angel descending to embrace the cemetery - got
love - so mystifying "god damn, swept away" she shouted - she love it - get in away - yeah! voodoo
beat on the mind the digs too deep to find something has got to give, man [psych-out] racketeer or
star you are just what you are, don't play the misty, baby! [get you] into a river sky electro nation
cry "i need another, now" drift beyond the sleeping the moon is shift'n shadows on her figure -
swamptime locomotion "i can't take it, anymore!" sunlight through the shutters illuminating moment to
the moment buzz a halo over "god damn, swept away" she shouted - she love it - get in away - yeah
- planet pretty kill - motherfucker hang me on the thrills - psychoholic slag tomorrow is another drag
[yeah] picnic in the homeland - like a jesus super-star yeah! kiss me deadly, baby [baby] i know
who you are [come on] planet pretty kill - motherfucker hang me on the thrills yeah! no small heaven
[haven] i got the left hand of the keeper - meet me in st. louis "god" a one-way ticket's cheaper
yeah! time-travel i'm walk'n [walk'n] i got a white line zombie fever [fever] yeah! time bomb the hero
[hero] yeah get down!!
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