Labyrinth Soundtrack - Chilly Down Lyrics

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Artist: Labyrinth Soundtrack
Song Title: Chilly Down
Visits: 716
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When the sun goes down (when the sun goes down)
And the bats are back to bed (and the bats are back)
The brothers come 'round (the brothers come 'round)
I get out of my dirty bed (my dirty bed)
I shake my pretty little head (I shake my pretty little head)
Tap my pretty little feet (tap my pretty little feet)
Feeling brighter than sunlight (oh)
Louder than thunder (oh)
Bouncing like a yo-yo, wooh (oh)

Don't got no problems (no problems)
Ain't got no suitcase (no suitcase)
Ain't got no clothes to worry about (no clothes to worry about)
Ain't got no real estate or jewelry or gold mines to hang me up.

I just throw in my hand (throw in my hand)
With the chilliest bunch in the land (in the land)
They don't look much (oh)
They sure chilly chilly (oh)
They positively glow glow, huh (oh)

Chilly down with the fire gang
Think small with the fire gang (It's the only way)
Bad hep with the fire gang (a smile a day keeps the doctor away)
When your thing gets wild
Chilly down
Chilly down with the fire gang (Hey, I'm a wild child)
Act tall with the fire gang (whoo, walk tall)
Good times, bad food (yeah)
When your thing gets wild
Chilly down, chilly down

Drive you crazy, really lazy, eye rollin', funky strollin', ball playin'
Hip swayin', trouble makin', booty shakin', tripping, passing, jumping
Bouncing, drivin', stylin', creeping, pouncing, shoutin', screamin'
Double dealin', rockin', rollin', and a reelin'
With the mackin' sex appealin'.
Can you dig our groovy feelin'?

So when things get too tough (get too tough)
And your chin is dragging on the ground (dragging on the ground)
And even down looks up (down looks up)
Bad luck heh heh,

We can show you a good time (show you a good time)
And we don't charge nothin' (nothin' at all)
Just strut your nasty stuff,
Wiggle in the middle yeh
Get the town talkin', fire gang
Chilly down with the fire gang (think small)
Think small with the fire gang
Bad hep with the fire gang (hey, listen up)
When your thing gets wild
Chilly down
Chilly down with the fire gang (hey, shake your pretty little head)
Think small with the fire gang (tap your pretty little feet)
Good times, bad food (come on, come on)
When your thing gets wild
Chilly down
Chilly down with the fire gang (wooh)
Think small with the fire gang
Bad hep with the fire gang

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Other Labyrinth Soundtrack song Lyrics
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  • Magic Dance
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  • Underground
    "No one can blame you,
    For walking away.
    Life can be easy,
    It's not always swell...."
  • Within You
    "How you turn my world
    You precious thing.
    You starve and near exhaust me.
    Everything I've done,..."

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