Lady Saw F/ Marsha - Son Of A Bitch Lyrics

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Artist: Lady Saw F/ Marsha
Song Title: Son Of A Bitch
Visits: 699
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Marsha: Aight that's it!!!
Lady Saw: What's wrong???
Marsha: Im tired, sick and tired of the same thing over and over again
Lady Saw: Come on girlfriend talk to me
Marsha: Im takin the porche, Im takin the house, Im takin the kids
He can have the volvo but that damn jag is mine!!
Lady Saw: Oh sure girlfriend oh sure sure

Could you believe I caught my man red handed
Screwin that stunt next door (Lady Saw: What!!!)
Picture them being both butt naked
Bangin on the bathroom floor
What could he be thinking
Can't believe that he would hit that freak
Girl my jaw hit the floor
I was so mad I couldn't even speak

Verse 1:
Lady Saw:
It's simple, run di bwoy outta your life
Divorce him as your wife
Dis him cause yuh know him disrespect yuh to
Nuh mek him come back on the ends
Mash up all di benz, call da cops and tell dem seh him beating yuh
Son of a bitch don't deserve, who yuh try preserve?
Him always just mad cause him a look fi yuh
It nuh mek sense to pretend, him nah change again
A dog will be a dog till da very end

Marsha: Underwear on the counter
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: They left stains on the sofa
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: She left the weave in the shower
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: You see I caught them on camera
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: I saw her kissin his shoulder
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: He jooked it then he flipped it over
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: I heard her screams gettin louder
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: Now this relationship's over!!!

Could you believe I caught my man red handed
Screwin that stunt next door
Picture them being both butt naked
Bangin on the bathroom floor
What could he be thinking
Can't believe that he would hit that freak
Girl my jaw hit the floor
I was so mad I couldn't even speak

Verse 2:
Lady Saw:
Girlfriend...Look how yuh treat him like a king
Him nah fi lift a pin
Get him fi evry penny weh him ever earn
Nah tek di bag a sweet talk, prepare fi walk di walk
Mek him know this is a lesson weh him haffi learn
Light di clothes and mek it burn
Tell him a fi your turn
All weh him a did I nuh fi your concern
Him nuh care him have nuh right
Fi bringin gal all night
A yah so if him dun argument it a dry

Marsha: Underwear on the counter
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: They left stains on the sofa
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: She left the weave in the shower
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: You see I caught them on camera
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: I saw her kissin his shoulder
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: He jooked it then he flipped it over
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: I heard her screams gettin louder
Lady Saw: Son of a bitch!!
Marsha: Now this relationship's over!!!

Could you believe I caught my man red handed
Screwin that stunt next door
Picture them being both butt naked
Bangin on the bathroom floor
What could he be thinking
Can't believe that he would hit that freak
Girl my jaw hit the floor
I was so mad I couldn't even speak

Verse 3:
He tried to tell me he was sorry for the pain that he caused
I been listenin to his reason it makes no sense at all
Tried to act like he was sorry for the pain that he caused
Girl he thought he was a playa
But he wasn't at all

Could you believe I caught my man red handed
Screwin that stunt next door
Picture them being both butt naked
Bangin on the bathroom floor
What could he be thinking
Can't believe that he would hit that freak
Girl my jaw hit the floor
I was so mad I couldn't even speak

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