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How The West Was Won Song Lyrics
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Other Laibach song Lyrics | Smrt Za Smrt "pribjali zlocince nailing criminals zive na drevesa alive to trees strahotno mucili cruelly torturing iztiskali oci gouging out eyes..." | Drzava "drzava skrbi za the state is responsible for zascito protecting dvig raising in izkoriscanje gozdov and exploiting the forest..." | Ostati Zvesti Nasi Preteklosti Poparjen Je Odsel Ii "When we all give the power We all give the best Every minute in the hour We don't think about the rest..." | Cari Amici Soldati Jaruzelsky Drzava Svoboda "Cari amici soldati Dear friends soldiers i tempi della pace the times of peace sono are passati! over!..." | Across The Universe "Word are flowing out like and less rain into a paper cup, They slither while they pass, they sleep across the Univerce. Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting to my open mind, Possessing and caressing me...." | Maggie Mae "Dirty Robin Maggie Mae, Did I've taken here the way And she never walked down lounch beat anymore? Oh, the Church he quilly pounder,..." | Get Back "Jajo was a man who though me was laner, But he knew it couldn't last. Jajo left his home in Tuscon, Arizona, For some California glass...." | Das Spiel Ist Aus "DIE ZEIT IST FAST VORBEI DIE FREIHEIT IST NICHT MEHR FREI STILL IST UNSER HERZ UND KURZ IST UNSER TOD..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Opus Dei" album, click "Laibach Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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