Laika - Lyin Goat Lyrics

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Artist: Laika
Laika Author
Song Title: Lyin Goat
Visits: 571
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Saw kingdoms crushed and crumbled
Saw the earth from the rim of a ship
Heard the whistle of the damnation train
But I didn't see her coming

Baby clear sky light
That lyin' goat borrowed my heart
and now it's broke
With big guns booming like thunder
I should have struck him cemetery dead

41 dollars and 63 cents won't buy my way out of this mess
41 dollars and 63 cents won't get me a dress to compete with her best
God made woman when he took out a bone
Gave it to adam so he wasn't alone
Fell at his feet - a heap on the floor
Now he aint coming back no more

I saw him on the lake at Galilee
The ship was gliding away from me
Sails unfurled in the evening breeze
The white caps marbleized into peaks
The wind is a woman and the water is too
The moon he holds the reins of the tides
With big guns booming like thunder
I should have struck him cemetery dead

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    if it hurts push harder..."
  • Spooky Rhodes
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    Why a seashell loves the sand
    Why tornadoes love the plains
    Why my dreams have lost their wings..."

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