Lamb Of God - Pariah Lyrics

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Artist: Lamb Of God
Lamb Of God Author
Album: New American Gospel (0)
Lamb Of God - New American Gospel Album
Song Title: Pariah
Genre: Metal: Alternative
Visits: 681
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The sore on the edge of your mouth it mirror the ones on your arm of black tar you've known the
And I've seen you pissing your condition into the dirt.
I know you don't want to live in the dirt you want to know nothing but dirt you know you can't
beat weakness.
Kill the flux. Stretched to breaking an obscene canvas on a stretcher of parasitism.
You piece of shit I won'y say your name but I will say this- FUCK OFF AND DIE (sooner the
You've shot out your eyes but I'm seeing that you cannot feel anything of worth.
Know that you've pissed life away, lost in your narcotic dreams.
Heart pumping futile shit through your veins.
Why does it bother? I want to punch in your sunken face and see your dusty blood smear through
the air in a polluted crimson arc,
splattering in a useless pattern on the concrete. Moribund.

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  • In Defense of Our Good Name
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    So sweet like honeysuckle on the tongue
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    Enveloping like the earth I will one day lie in..."
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  • Blood Junkie
    "A shallow little jackal of a man posing as a hawk.
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    Lease the blade the gun the bomb in the name of justice.
    A violent panacea for what ails the nation..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "New American Gospel" album, click "Lamb Of God Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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