Lambretta - Creep Lyrics

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Artist: Lambretta
Lambretta Author
Song Title: Creep
Genre: Pop
Visits: 727
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God, I'm such a creep. I'm having so much fun breaking up.
It's getting kind of wicked.
And there's no need to wheep. It's more like a relif I can't stop.
Laughing and I'm thinking. You're looking at a single in gold.
I'm just your worst freakin' nightmare girlfriend.

I am such a creep. I am such a creepy kind.
Sorry, but I do believe I'm just that type of girl.
I am such a creep. (and I can't help it) I ain't gonna waste my time.
And I do believe that a boy just have to go.
God, I'm such a creep.

The grass is turning green. The air is loosing weight and the sun
is lighting up my bedroom.
My smile is kind of mean. A feel like I'm a dove with a gun.
I'm looking in my phonebook and there's a lot of numbers to dial.
I'm just your worst freakin' nightmare girlfriend.

I am such a creep. I am such a creepy kind.
Sorry, but I do believe I'm just that type of girl.
I am such a creep. (and I can't help it) I ain't gonna waste my time.
And I do believe that a boy just have to go.
God, I'm such a creep.

(And I can't help it, help it, help it...)

God, I'm such a creep. I'm having so much fun breaking up.
Laughing and I'm thinking. You're looking at a single in gold.

I am such a creep. (and I can't help it) I am such a creepy kind.
Sorry, but I do believe I'm just that type of girl.
I am such a creep. (and I can't help it) God, I'm such a creep.
(Ain't gonna waste my time)
Sorry, but I do believe that a boy just have to go.
God, I'm such a creep

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    We'll never meet again..."
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    I can feel it
    but do you think I care
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