Lambretta - Laengtar Efter Dig Lyrics

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Artist: Lambretta
Lambretta Author
Song Title: Laengtar Efter Dig
Visits: 723
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det finns en pojke i varje klass
som ?r speciell f?r n?n
och det ?r du som ?r det f?r mig
du ska bli min n?gon g?ng

det finns en kille och det ?r du
men ?ppna ?gnen och f?rst?
fast du ?r ?ldre och har flickv?n nu
s? ska det bli vi tv?

om du bara vill
titta lite till
s? kanske du ser mig
och ser att jag inte vill ha n?gon annan ?n dig, f?r jag

jag l?ngtar, l?ngtar efter dig
jag vill att du ska vara h?r hos mig
jag l?ngtar, l?ngtar efter dig
jag vill att du ska vara h?r hos mig

nu har det g?tt n?gra ?r
men i mitt hj?rta finns du alltid kvar
n?r telefonen ringde ig?r
d? var det helt ov?ntat du som sa:

jag l?ngtar, l?ngtar efter dig
jag vill att du ska vara h?r hos mig
jag l?ngtar, l?ngtar efter dig
jag vill att du ska vara h?r hos mig
jag l?ngtar, l?ngtar efter dig
jag vill att du ska vara n?ra mig

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Other Lambretta song Lyrics
  • Kill Me
    "I've seen more places then you've seen
    Kept my fingers clean
    Where have you been lately
    Now you have come to clame the throne..."
  • Wake Up Girl
    "Dumb girl
    Did you see the latest Vogue
    Has it ever occurred to you
    That you don?t fit the latest trend..."
  • Bimbo
    "Who?s she blowing kisses from the catwalk
    Tell me, I really gotta know
    Since when did you need another girlfriend
    since when, I really gotta know..."
  • Perfect Tonight
    "In my hood
    There?s a boy
    Making girls breathless
    Serving Tea down on 39th street..."
  • Creep
    "God, I'm such a creep. I'm having so much fun breaking up.
    It's getting kind of wicked.
    And there's no need to wheep. It's more like a relif I can't stop.
    Laughing and I'm thinking. You're looking at a single in gold...."
  • Sorrow
    "I see you dying without pain
    Poison pumping through your veins
    When you're down and out
    Is it fun what is it all about..."
  • Love To Hate You
    For seven months and fifteen days
    I've been telling you lies in different ways
    I know things will change..."
  • Have A Nice Day
    "In my dreams I wish that I could see
    A paperboy just hanging from a tree
    I don't care if you're nice to me
    We'll never meet again..."

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