Lament - Absolute Predominance Lyrics

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Artist: Lament
Song Title: Absolute Predominance
Visits: 678
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Everybody wants power and control in this world
Governments, countries and many men

They've tried to get it with wars and nuclear arms
It doesn't matter who dies, children, women

Innocent people that pay the price
Of the stubborn man who seeks to rule

Oh, you are all so simple
Only you, Lord, who with your great power
Created the heavens and the earth
You gave breath of life to man
You broke the heads of the monster in the waters
You separated the sea so your people
Could flee

Only you, Lord Jesus
Have control over all the universe

You punish with your sword and the serpent
You will slay the dragon

Even the mountains will melt as wax before you
Only you, my God, with your power
Subject demons and heal the sick
In the name of Christ

Besides, every knee shall bend before you and
All the men that wanted the glory will
Confess that you are sovereign, God
Over all

You will crush Satan under our feet
And you will show that you are King
Coming on a cloud of power and great glory
Those who boast in idols
Worship Him all you gods!

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  • Existencia Terminante
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    They cry out for freedom
    Escaping from death
    Looking for answers..."
  • Legal
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    She placed her confidence in a lie
    The very instrument she thought would set her free
    Will cause her to die..."
  • Ros De La Soledad
    "Como las aguas se van del mar
    Y el ro se agota y se seca
    As el hombre yace y no vuelve a levantarse
    Mas los aos contados vendrn..."
  • Sacrifice Of Righteousness
    "En el pasado, cuando el hombre viva bajo la ley
    Para recibir perdn por sus pecados, ofrecan sacrificio de animales a Dios
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    Others murdered and worshipped demons..."
  • ...Show All

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