Landau James Ef - Hey, Marijuana! Lyrics

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Artist: Landau James Ef
Song Title: Hey, Marijuana!
Visits: 1209
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I am not trying to kill your brain cells off!

Where I grow they call me marijuana,
They say I taste like Kool-aid from Guyana,

They all want me,
Can't buy me,
So they all illegally sell me.

Smoke on me,
Trip on me,
And if I'm good, you'll sure get hooked on me.

Dale a tu cuerpo el placer con marijuana,
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle el placer de la Nirvana,
Él quien muere habiendo inhalado el más de mí
Hey, marijuana!

Bud, pot, weed, reefers, blunts or joints or moss,
Cannabis sativa, mary jane or herb or grass,
Thanks to all you guys who helped Prop 215 to pass,
Hey, marijuana!

Now don't you listen to your doctor
The one who says you shouldn't take me
You don't need him, shouldn't buy it,
I'll make you get so high . . . ha-ha-ha-ha-ha . . .

Now come on, what was I supposed to say?
The cops were out of town and the print on the warning label was
soooooo fine!

There are other things to try if you get sick of weed,
Angel dust, crack, alcohol or quaaludes or speed,
Get some down at Chico at some more way up at Reed,
Hey, marijuana!

Breathe it, bowl it or unroll it, percolate and toke it,
Chew it, try but don't inhale, any way you smoke it,
Go to Telegraph, it shouldn't be too hard to locate,
Hey, marijuana!

I am not trying to kill your brain cells off!

Get a sample, my name is marijuana,
Find me at a party where they tell you que soy sana,

Come try me,
Come buy me,
And try and sell some more of me.

Smoke on me,
Trip on me,
And if I'm good, you'll sure get hooked on me.

I'm always big at keggers since I bring the stuff along,
I carry round a purse to conceal my joints and bong,
Now the cops are coming, I'll be wrapping up my song,
Hey, marijuana!

Dale a tu cuerpo el placer con marijuana,
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle el placer de la Nirvana,
Él quien muere habiendo inhalado el más de mí
Hey, marijuana!


Give your body pleasure with marijuana
For your body is intended for giving to the pleasure of Nirvana
He who dies having smoked the most of me wins
Hey marijuana

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