Landscape - My Name is Norman Bates Lyrics

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Artist: Landscape
Song Title: My Name is Norman Bates
Visits: 2528
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My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates-s-s-s-s.
My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates-s-s-s-s.
My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates-s-s-s-s.
My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates-s-s-s-s.

My name is Norman Bates.

My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates-s-s-s-s.
My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates-s-s-s-s.

Mother! Oh my God!

My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates-s-s-s-s.
My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates-s-s-s-s.
My name is Norman Bates; I?m just a normal guy.
My name is Norman Bates.
[Spoken over refrain.]
Did Norman murder the girl in the Bates Motel? Yes, or No?
To understand the case, you have to go back to the time ten years ago,
When the young Norman murdered his mother and her lover.
Matricide: perhaps, the most unbearable crime of all.
Norman refused to come to terms with the horror of his deed.
His mother was still alive. He stole her corpse and preserved it with chemicals.
He kept her alive by wearing her clothes; speaking in her voice; thinking her thoughts.
He became both mother and son.
Norman Bates; normal, healthy young man with regular interests and habits.
And Mrs. Bates; a clinging, posessive woman, and a homicidal maniac.
When Norman encountered the girl at the motel, his sexual instincts were aroused.
He wanted her ? desired her.
This was too much for the other side of Norman?s personality.
In a jealous frenzy, Mother murdered the girl.
When two personalities share the same mind, there is always conflict.
Now, that conflict is over: Mother has taken over Norman?s mind.
Perhaps for all time.
Norman Bates no longer exists.

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