Lard - War Pimp Renaissance Lyrics

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Artist: Lard
Lard Author
Album: Pure Chewing Satisfaction (1997)
Lard - Pure Chewing Satisfaction Album
Song Title: War Pimp Renaissance
Genre: Industrial
Visits: 666
Print Version

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

Yippee Tai-Yai-Yai Yo

Evil Commie empire's gone

Yippee Tai-Yai-Yai Yay

Now we're the only one

Let there be peace on earth

What ever gave you that idea

Economy depends on guns

We'll have an arms race with ourselves

March, March

Forward to the caves

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

General who's never been to war

Is like a rapist who's never been laid

Like shootin' fish in a barrel

Inner child must be fed

Deep fry a quarter million ragheads

Into crispy eagle snacks

Pure chewing satisfaction

Pure chewing satisfaction

March, March

Ah Ha Ha Ha

Question ain't, who killed JFK

But, where are they now

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

War Pimp Renaissance

Who's a-gonna buy our missiles

Who's a-gonna buy our guns

Everyone on the whole damned planet

We'll throw in free land mines

Starve the Russians 'til a nut takes over

Put the Arms Race back on boil

As the world's population's exploding

Wars for water, not oil

Too damn many people already

Clutter land we could use for golf

Egg 'em on to bloodbaths like Rwanda

Help 'em eat each other alive

Praise God

We bropught the rapture on

Hey, wait for me

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  • I Am Your Clock
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    Whoever has the fork in hand
    Controls the meal of its choice..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Pure Chewing Satisfaction" album, click "Lard Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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