Lari White - Because Im A Woman Lyrics

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Artist: Lari White
Song Title: Because Im A Woman
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(Lari White)

Twice the work for half the pay
Twice as smart, but afraid to say
I`m just here to provide the t & a
Because I`m a woman
He`ll get the gig no matter how hard I bust my ass
I better shimmy if the boss man makes a pass
And if I`m in the big chair baby better watch out for broken glass
Because I`m a woman

And if my skirt`s too short then I`m asking for it
That`s how the story goes
I`m guilty if I lock it up and I`m
Guilty if it shows and I
Live with a fear that no man every knows
Because I`m a woman

And if I`m strong I`m a bitch
And if I`m free I`m a whore
And if I`m home with my babies you won`t find me in the pages of "cosmo"
`cause honey that ain`t nothin` but a bore

But I have a dream I am a thing
Of beauty and power
Give me love, give me good love and I
Blossom like a flower
Because I`m a woman

There are places in this world I can`t even show my face
I got to walk behind the man I got to keep my place
And they don`t even see all the good gone to waste
Because I`m a woman

And somewhere on this day I will not even be born
When they detect the weaker sex from my mother`s womb I will be torn
The man-child gets the love and I get the scorn
Because I`m a woman

And if I`m strong I`m a bitch
And if I`m free I`m a whore
And if I`m home with my babies you won`t find me in the pages of "cosmo"
`cause honey that ain`t what they`re lookin` for

But I have a dream I am a thing
Of beauty and power
Give me love, give me good love and I
Blossom like a flower
Because I`m a woman
Because I`m a woman
Because I`m a woman

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  • Groove With Me Baby
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    The way you smile the way you laugh the way you smell
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  • If Im Not Already Crazy
    "I'm walkin' down this empty street
    I don't know where I am or where I'm going
    I keep turnin' corners
    To keep the pain that follows me confused..."
  • Its Love
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    There's a heart gettin' ready to fall
    There's and old song playing on the radio
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