Larry Finnegan - Dear One Lyrics

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Artist: Larry Finnegan
Song Title: Dear One
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Dear One

Artist: Larry Finnegan (peak Billboard position # 11 in 1962 )
Words and Music by John Lawrence Finneran and Vincent C Finneran

(Dear One, Dear One, Dear One)

When the mailman came to our house this mornin'
I was waitin' right there for him at the door
But when I opened up and read your last letter
Then I knew that I would wait for him no more

'cause you said' Dear One, there's somethin' that I have to tell you"
"Dear One, there's somethin' that I have to say, yay-yay"
"Dear One, he's tall,dark, well you know how it is"
"And Dear One, he stole my heart away."

"Ah please don't cry, (please don't cry ) try not to be sad (try not to be sad)"
"I tried and I tried (I tried and I tried) not to hurt you bad (not to hurt you bad)"
"I tried so hard (I tried so hard) not to give in (not to give in)"
"But I lost my head and I lost my heart and I lost your love to him"

Then she said "Dear One, there's somethin' that I have to tell you"
"Dear One, there's somethin' that I have to say, yay-yay"
"Dear One, he's tall, dark, well you know how it is"
"And Dear One, he stole my heart away."

Oh oh oh "Dear One, there's somethin' that I have to tell you"
"Dear One, there's somethin' that I have to say, yay-yay"
"Dear One, he's tall, dark, well you know how it is"
"And Dear One, he stole my heart away."

'cause you said' Dear One, there's somethin' that I have to tell you"
"Dear One, there's somethin' that I have to say, yay-yay"
"Dear One, he's tall, dark, well you know how it is"
"And Dear One, he stole my heart away."

Oh, "Dear One, he stole my heart away."
Ah, Dear One, he stole my heart away."
Oh, Dear One,

Fade "he stole my heart away.

Transcribed by Ronald E. Hontz

Dear One Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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