Larry Weaver - South of the Border Lyrics

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Artist: Larry Weaver
Song Title: South of the Border
Visits: 637
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Every year I pack the car and head for Myrtle Beach
Where else can one have so much culture within ones reach?
I love to see those girls with big hair cruising down the strand
And see those rednecks get redder instead of getting tan.

But Myrtle Beach is not my favorite part of the trip
I first must make a little stop before I get to it
So lets hop into my Nova and head for that state line
And when I see that big sombrero Ill know everything is fine.

Take me to South of the Border I think you know the way
Just follow those clever billboards along the interstate
Take me to South of the Border I love those neon signs
Chili Today, Hot Tamale man, that one gets me every time.

Well check into Pedros Motel and leave our troubles at the door
Then its off to Pedros Fireworks -- well stock up for July 4
Then over to Pedros Martial Arts to get some gifts for the kids
I think theyll like some throwing stars, num chucks and a big bullwhip.

Then its down to Pedros T-shirts where Ill have the time of my life.
Lets get grandma that funny hat that reads Old Farts Wife
And lets get dad some underwear that will scream Hey, Im high class
The ones with the inscription Worlds Largest Source of Natural Gas.

Take me to South of the Border down where Pedro lives
I need to buy some Chia pets they make such great gifts
Take me to South of the Border just below that state line
When I see that big sombrero, Ill know everything is fine.

OK. I want everyone listening out there to sing the chorus with me. Are you ready? Here we go In spanish:

Vamos a frontera del sur donde Pedro vive
Necissito compro Los Chiapets son buenos regalos
Vamos a frontera del sur debajo e

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