Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards - The Viking Lyrics

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Artist: Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards
Song Title: The Viking
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 728
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Well how do you do?
My name is Lars
I'm from Cambell, California
You might know that by now
I'm of Danish decent
For that I'm proud
See, my father was a nomad
I haven't seen him for awhile
Lost a brother
Still got a mother, I ain't motherless
For some of you out there
That might be hard to believe
See, I've been up and I've been down
Smiled and I've frown
I'vve made a every gesture
That a young man could steal
And I know that I'm married to the sea
Well, I know I'm married to the sea
You see, some people are on lockdown
And some are free
But I know that I'm married to the sea

Well I've been rich I've been poor
Spent it on whores
Got married and divorced
To the girl that's next door
Stolen fast cars, dated pop stars
Been around the world
Slept with underage women
Turned tricks for a thrill
Tried sucide but didn't die
Well I'm here to tell
I don't know of heaven
But I've made peace with hell
Been shot at, been stabbed
Been beaten up real bad
Survived everything without being killed

And I know I'm married to the sea
And I know I'm married to the sea
Some people are on lockdown man
Some are free
And I know I'm married to the sea

Slept in fancy hotels, eaten from garbage cans
But down every highway I grew into a man
Seen my best friend die right before my eyes
Aborted a baby and shed all my tears
Been strung out on pills
Slammed my share of dope yea
I drank all your booze man
And I snorted your coke
I've been loved I've been hated
To me it's all the same
Embraced by a lover
Or your cursing my name

And I know I'm married to the sea
And I know I'm married to the sea
Some people are on lockdown
And some are free
And I know I'm married to the sea

And I know I'm married to the sea
And I know I'm married to the sea
Some people are on lockdown sugar
And some are free
And I know I'm married to the sea

I'm married to the sea
You see the great big ocean
Well that's for me
Sorry ladies, I'm married to the sea
I'm married to the sea
I'm married to the sea

But I'm free
Yeah, I'm free...

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Other Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards song Lyrics
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    Drank a 40 ounce and he felt no pain
    Gordy drank so much he forgot where his car was
    So he drank some more and forgot where the bar was..."
  • Skins, Punx And Drunx
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    Your parents fuckin' hate me you know I hate them too.
    I roll with the freaks and the misfits, every colour's in my crew...."
  • Fight
    "Aggression hits With a mighty surge,
    Like junkies to the dope mans doors.
    I need a fix thats right.
    All I wanna do is fight...."
  • 1
    "well in the steam of the man hole cities slum
    like a ghost it takes form in the sludge and the scum
    well Jose knew him but not for very long
    you know the mexican kid well we all called him John..."
  • Switchblade
    "I don't go anywhere without my switchblade,
    I don't go anywhere without my crew.
    I don't go anywhere without no protection,
    I don't go anywhere without my weapons...."
  • Marie Marie
    "Marie-Marie, playin' guitar on the back porch
    I sit in my car
    Oh, while she sings so sad, Marie-Marie
    Marie-Marie, it's so lonely in these farmlands..."
  • Little Rude Girl
    "Hey you in the red dress,
    I know you're not trying to impress me.
    In line from a distance,
    Too scared at all to ask your name...."
  • Maggots
    "Like zombies in the night,
    she?s creeping around my house.
    The moonlight burns my eyes,
    nocturnally hypnotizes...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Viking" album, click "Lars Frederiksen And The Bastards Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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