Laszlo Ken - Hey Hey Guy Lyrics
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Laszlo Ken Singer Lyrics
Hey Hey Guy Song Lyrics
Laszlo Ken
Song Title:
Hey Hey Guy
Print Version
Ken: "Hallo"
French guy: "Hallo, ??"
Ken: "Oh dear, you have phone"
French guy: "Yeah, hey guy, tell me about your menicure"
Ken: "I love you and feel the groove"
French guy: "Tell me about it, is it the true"
Ken: "It's true, yes, it's true"
French guy: "Don't fool out, it's dangerous"
Ken: "Don't worry, baby gold"
French guy: "Everything is same as all"
Ken: "Everything is the same"
French guy: "Oh, I love you"
Ken: "Me too"
French guy: "I love you"
Let me see what you have done
Let me know what happens here tonight
Love for hire is dangerous
Let me know what happens here tonight
Hey hey guy (Shell I get you)
Hey hey guy (Oh yeah)
Hey hey guy (?? any longer)
Hey hey guy (Oh yeah)
Steps to heaven, three steps to me
Let me know what you are doing tonight
You love me, but sorry I don't love you
Let me know what you are doing tonight
Fool for love and shine
Shine into my life
In your eyes my trouble
I forget that's right
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh... Oh, oh, oh
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Steps to heaven, three steps to me
Let me know what you are doing tonight (doing tonight)
You love me, but sorry I don't love you
Let me know what you are doing tonight
Fool for love and shine
Shine into my life
In your eyes my trouble (?? any longer)
I forget that's right
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Oh, oh, oh
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
"Hallo, ??"
"Yeah, hey guy, tell me about your menicure"
"Tell me about it, is it the true"
"Don't fool out, it's dangerous"
"Everything is same as all"
"Oh, I love you"
"I love you"
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Let me try your love
Yes babe, I'm waiting, please don't stop
Hey guy all your love forever
Hey Hey Guy Lyrics
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