Lateef And Born - Burning Hot In Cali On A Saturday Night Lyrics

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Artist: Lateef And Born
Song Title: Burning Hot In Cali On A Saturday Night
Visits: 687
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Burnt Pride is a crazy thing / But nowwhat does it take to make you feel
me concrete? / I ain't your maitre'dI ain't on pain relief / This ain't
make believeI ain't on no ankle leash / I tried speaking in a rational
manner /Tried to get my point across using regular me(ans) / I even
patterned my delivery / Similarly after something you had said / So that
you would not interpret me differentlybut / My head's on a tree swing /
Your debt's still lingering / While you erect gates with codes really
nobody knows / I ask, "Why's it always closed?" / I'm told it's my approach
/ Well let's suppose / just for the sole sake of argument that/ despite the
spite and all the ill will you're harboring / that me, Lyrics Born, all
this power that I'm harnessing / That I didn't come in here to no
conquering / That I came in here to do a little bargaining / Grease key
people do some apple polishing / Maybe hail a cab for my local congressman
/ so he can hook me with the landlord in parliament / Then I'll set up a
booth, hand-pick my operatives / Train 'em up, send my squad of garbagemen
/ To spread the good will, all in the environment / and all the false
doctrine and all the carcinogens, but now / I gotta be wise 'bout who I'm
targeting / The key is make the young folks offerings / so that they don't
become adults that are demonstrative / or else my chances of retirement go
spiraling / So then I work my way into their subconsciousness / I tell them
always use caution, now, cautiousness, because / Are you absolutely positive
that you can make it without us and be prosperous? / You need to look at me
and my accomplishments / Hey, I got an idea, let's start a partnership! /
It'll be just like livin' in a Harlequin / And we'll feed our pond fishies
ostriches / we'll feed the starved kiddies self-doubt lozenges / Just
peeling layer after layer off their confidence / until it's one planet us
homogenous / versus one gumball you optimists!! / Burn pride!! Burn
pride!! / Burn pride!! Burn Pride!! / Burnt Pride is a crazy thing / What
does it take to make you feel me concrete? / I ain't your maitre'd, I ain't
on pain relief / this ain't make believe, I ain't on no ankle leash / I
tried speaking in a rational manner / Tried to get my point across using
conventional means / I even patterned my delivery
similarly after something you had said / so that you would not interpret me
differently, but- / My head's on a tree swing / Your debt's still lingering
/ While you erect gates with codes really nobody knows / I ask, "Why's it
always closed?" / I'm told it's my approach / Okay, what's appropriate your
royal holiness? / Shall I fan you with foliage in front of an audience? /
Hi-five Napoleon? / Lo-five a Scorpion? / Then and only then would there
ever be an opening / Well, that's just your big, wet blanket of power / You
weight us down with double-talk until we think we're insane / But if you're
trying to save your pride / You're trying to save your pride / As far as
I'm concerned that shit is going down in flames / With your piddly-ass
riddles / You think I ain't mentally apt / I see you slither 'round my
ankle like I ain't gonna react / No more me nibblin' on a bridle while
you're kickin' my abs / No more "everything's Ore-Ida" when I can't even
stand / No more fiddling with the maps / No more belittling the past / No
more nonsense when my questions is asked / No more concessions for an ego
so fragile / Any self-expression chips away at your castle / Your pride's
your damsel, you built your barricade / I was so careful / I danced around
your insecurities /on your schedule / Ignored all your absurdities / But
all the people / you parody with that dogshit your nurturing / Then you
have the nerve to take certain shit personally / I didn't even speak a
handful and I encroached on your territory / You need therapy there mister
Pharisee / seriously, 'cause apparently your circuitry's terribly damaged /
How 'bout a nice hot kerosene bath / I'll come back / I'll serenade you
with flaming arrows oh serpentine / Your pride needs refurbishing / I'll
extend you that courtesy like- / "Hi, this is Lyrics Born servicing!" /
Burnt Pride!! Burnt Pride!!

Burning Hot In Cali On A Saturday Night Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Lateef And Born song Lyrics
  • Bad News
    "need to do is begin rejuvenating / Keep it all in focus and pursue it
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  • Burnt Pride
    "the magic basket full of wires and let them flail all on the ground./ Why
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    breezes/ And we see these orbs in a car chase of sorts/ Absorbs sweet
    Lorraine and her dolly on the front porch and it escorts them into/ Deep..."
  • Latyrx
    "*this is gonna be a little bit more menacingcheck it outcheck it out
    you knowits cool if fools is on the vibebut when they're not
    you know what I'm saying... I mean
    Imagine Lateef..."
  • Live 90 Point 3 1994 Freestyle
    "this is gonna be a little bit more menacingcheck it outcheck it out
    you knowits cool if fools is on the vibebut when they're not
    you know what I'm saying... I mean
    Imagine Lateef..."
  • Say That
    "Sit yourself down, girl, and talk to me;
    Tell me what?s uh on your mind.
    Don?t keep on tellin? me everything?s OK,
    ?Cause if it was, then you wouldn?t be cryin?...."
  • The Quickening
    "I'mma be alright / live my life as long as I'm alive / I ride on
    five eightybut I'm not an eighty fiver / usually exit High / enough to
    fly like Egyptian gliders / bringing the message to the Black man like
    Elijah / Honorabledid I mention? / No dissent among the strivers / no..."
  • The Wreckoning Live 45 Mix
    "Look Bitch/ Ya know I'm coming tight / so you can switch them hips
    from left to right all night
    and won't nobody give a shit / if you was sittin' / I might ask you ta
    standtake a load off of ya mind..."
  • ...Show All

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