Laura Veirs - Jailhouse Fire Lyrics

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Artist: Laura Veirs
Laura Veirs Author
Album: The Triumphs and Travails of Orphan Mae (2006)
Laura Veirs - The Triumphs and Travails of Orphan Mae Album
Song Title: Jailhouse Fire
Genre: Rock
Visits: 591
Print Version

Did you see that lady there they stripped her to her underwear

She took it one step further and stripped to bare through the rising flames

And smoke she laughed as all the police choked

And then she danced in the government pyre the jailhouse is on fire

She grabbed a guard and stole his keys unlocked the cells

And set us free and we ran and caught our pants

On the old barbed wire we hit the dirt

We hit the road we jumped the fence

We kissed a toad and we hollared at the ladies

In the churchyard choir the jailhouse is on fire

I hopped a train and headed west free woman

Now just like the rest all the hobos on the line called me a liar

The train it choked and spewed and spat and coal smoke billowed thick

And black and she was everywhere and rising higher she set the jailhouse on fire

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Triumphs and Travails of Orphan Mae" album, click "Laura Veirs Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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