Lauren Hill - Doo Wop Lyrics
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Doo Wop Song Lyrics
Lauren Hill
Song Title:
Doo Wop
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Doo Wop (That Thing)
Chorus one:
Girls you know you betta watch out
Some guys, some guys are only about
That thing, that thing, that thing
That thing, that thing, that thing
(admit two shots in the atmosphere)
It's been three weeks since you were looking for your friend
The one you let hit it and never called you again
'Member when he told you he was da benjamins
You act like you ain't here him but give up a little trim
To begin how you think you really gon' pretend
Like you wasn't down and you called him again
Plus when you give it up so easy you ain't even foolin' him
If you did then you'd probably do it again
Talkin' out cha neck like you a Christain
A Muslim sleepin' wit da gin
Now that was the sin that did Jezebell in
Who you gon' tell when the reprecussion spin
Showin' off your ass cause your thinkin' it's a trend
Girlfriend, let me break it down for you again
You know I only say it cause i'm truely genuine
Don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem
Baby girl the respect is just the minimum
Nigga creepin' when you still defendin' him
Now Lauryn is only human
Don't think I haven't been through the same predicament
Let it sit inside your head like a million women
It's silly when girls sell their souls cause it's in
Look at where you been, hair weaves like your in pins
Fake nails up out Korea Come again
When when come again
When when come again
My freind coem again
Chorus two:
Guys you know you betta watch out
Some girls, some girls are only about
That thing, that thing, that thing
That thing, that thing, that thing
The second verse it dedicated to the men
Who are concerned wit his rims & his tim's & his women
Him and his men come in the club like hooligans
Don't care who date ya friend .........
Let's stop pretend the one that pissed out by they waste men
Pissed out by they case men, still the name of this basement
The pretty face men claiming that they do
Need to take care of their three and four kids
But they facing court case when the child support place
Money takin' and heart break,
Now you wonderin' why women hate men
And to speak of silent men, the violence men
Quick to shot the scene, stop actin' like boys and be men
How you gon' win when you ain't right within
How you gon' win when you ain't right within
How you gon' win when you ain't right within
Uh Uh Come Again!
Watch out, watch out
Watch out, watch out
(three more times)
(Chorus one then chorus two
Doo Wop Lyrics
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Other Lauren Hill song Lyrics
i find it hard to say (rebel)
"i find it hard to say that everything is alright dont look at me that way like everything is alright cause my own
eyes can see through all your false pretenses but what you fail to see is all the consequences you think our lives are cheap and easy to be wasted as history repeats so foul you can taste it
and while the people sleep too comfortable to face it his life so incomplete and nothing can replace it and while the people sleep too comfortable to face it your lives are so incomplete and nothing can replace it
fret not thyself i say against these laws of man cause like the bible says his blood is on their hands..."
just want you around
"took this love for granted kept my feelings underground should have watered where i planted should have known what i had found im not used to being lonely i dont like the way it sounds youre the only one i know yeah who dont turn my upside down
i just want you around i just need you around.......fade out..."
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