Lauryn Hill - The Passion Lyrics

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Artist: Lauryn Hill
Lauryn Hill Author
Song Title: The Passion
Visits: 701
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If they only owned love, shown love, grown love, like this before
If they only knew love, true love, to love, like this before
If they only gave love, saved love, brave love, like this before
If they only called love, love love, called love, like this before
If they?d only showed love, they owed love, owed love, like this before
If they only showed love, they owed love, owed love, like this before
If they only knew love, true love, to love, like this before
If they only gave love, saved love, brave love, like this before
If they only showed love, they owed love, they owed love, like this before

La la la la la, la la la la, la la la la la, La la la la la...

Like this before
If they ever showed love, they owed love, they owed love, they owed love
If they ever showed love, they owed love, they owed love, like this before

Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
La la la la la, la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la...

If they only claimed love, claimed love, claimed love
They maintened love
Instead they drained love, stained love
They didn?t control love, my soul loves a whole love, like this before
Received the same love
If they didn?t regret love, forget love, say they never met love
If they will love, don?t kill love, just be still love (x4)

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