LAW - Please Explain Lyrics

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Artist: LAW
Song Title: Please Explain
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please explain why others show what some don? even know

in this game we?e high above ourselves and we just flow

you could stand right where you are and you don? do anything

or make a plan to change a thing that makes us all survive

stupid rage, no gain in words - that they just hear themselves

I try in vain to keep it silent when they?e all awake

all they?e learned is how they need a god and how they blow

all this mud - explained and told to dust before my eyes

somehow I need a Jesus for my plan

to save the world and all that shit -

I can? control myself, I? just a sacred cramp !

to break would be immoral, but explain to me what? right ?

I don? regret that sometimes I feel strange and what I do is wrong

I can? complete the world and when you?l ask me all I?l do is lie

it? straight to happen just before my eyes

no greater love can? help the fear I hide

why can? I change a thing before my eyes

sometimes I wish that I could be so blind

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    My feelings for you will never be changed
    Cause it's you that I"m thinking of..."
  • Only After
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    fuck blessed for all what you once said, I can't even argue
    what is it now, what will you do ? You'll cheat yourself !..."
  • Pisshead
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