Lawnmower Deth - Kids In America Lyrics
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Lawnmower Deth Singer Lyrics
Kids In America Song Lyrics
Lawnmower Deth
Kids In America (1991)
Song Title:
Kids In America
Print Version
[Kim Wilde]
Looking out a dirty old window.
Down below the cars in the city go rushing by.
I sit here alone and I wonder why.
Friday night and everyone's moving.
I can feel the heat but it's soothing.
Heading down, I search for the beat in this dirty town.
Down town the young ones are going.
Down town the young ones are growing.
We're the kids in America.
Everybody live for the music-go-round.
Bright ligths the music get faster.
Look boy, don't check on your watch, not another glance.
I'm not leaving now, honey not a chance.
Hot-shot, give me no problems.
Much later baby you'll be saying never mind.
You know life is cruel, life is never kind.
Kind hearts don't make a new story.
Kind hearts don't grab any glory.
Come closer, honey that's better.
Got to get a brand new experience.
Feeling right.
Oh don't try to stop baby.
Hold me tight.
Outside a new day is dawning.
Outside Suburbia's sprawling everywhere.
I don't want to go baby.
New York to East California.
There's a new wave coming I warn you.
Kids In America Lyrics
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Other Lawnmower Deth song Lyrics
Sumo Rabbit And His Inescapable Trap Of Doom
"When Sumo Rabbit was let out of his hutch,
You couldn't believe a rabbit looked to butch,
His muscles ripped, there is death within his eyes,
Other forms of life are things he does despise...."
Spook Pery Happenings In The Snooker Hall
"Pointy teeth as sharp as blades,
Ray Reardon haircut fallen from grace,
Pointy sticks - they make him mad,
'Cos Dracula was our Ray's dad...."
Betty Fords Clinic
"It's that time of year,
It's time to go abroad,
It's time to go on holiday,
And visit Betty Ford's...."
"All year long we get a rough deal,
Chewing at grass, enslaved in fields,
Mowers in jumpers we're destined to be
Slaughtered and turned into Big Mac of Wimpey...."
Lancer With Your Zancer
"When King Arthur sat down,
On the river bank,
He had a mighty vision,
It really was quite wank...."
Flying Killer Cobs From The Planet Bob
"Too much too high
You smoke, you die
Flying killer cobs from the planet Bob,
His mega mental shooter stuck in your gob,..."
Did You Spill My Pint?
"Stood next to me,
The first degree,
I saw the fall,
And hit the floor...."
Seventh Church Of The Apocalyptic Lawnmower (Skank Mix)
"Enter the church,
See the death,
Hear the lawnmower,
On Satan's breath...."
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