Lawrence Arms - Eighteen Inches Lyrics
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Eighteen Inches Song Lyrics
Lawrence Arms
Song Title:
Eighteen Inches
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face down on the ground. stormclouds lie in white snowpiles all around. i don't know if i can make it throughone more winter in this town. voted worst in show the last two years. i got a refill on my tears-another bottle of foam yellowed clear. the old man twitching on the train reminds us of mortalitly, the snow everywhre reminds us of the rain. and my burned and brittle skin, cracked and blistered in the wind is testament to repetition as the impossible happens again. q: so, what's your new years revolution? a: take off those ten unsightly pounds. the snow is piling higher and your face is growing closer to the ground. raising your glass at the office party or photocopying your secretary's ass is no less pathetic than our self righteously self important tasks of barfing rhetoric on shiny table tops as our collars and turtlenecks choke us right there in the coffee shops. winter will not wait for you. ironically, your worst dream has come true: pontification means nothing when i woke up and looked around, i foun that my dreams had melted into dirty puddles on the ground
Eighteen Inches Lyrics
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Structurally uncertain, transparent, transgressive
i've stumbled into something and i don't know what it is.
All I-beams, bolts and plaster, corners painted in piss...."
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i don't ever want to hear you
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Sitting on fences, a novocaine for all the senses.
Another year will pass us by.
Making sense of nothing, in defense of something...."
106 South
3am QVC Shopping Spree Hangover
"limp lines resign themselves to margins. like a drunken vampire, i miss the sun. i killed this summer, now it's done. let's split and reconvene in a warmer space. i'm scratching my head turning nights into days. don't talk to me about boredom. don't talk to me about pride. i sucked it all up, i swallowed it down. it's fine. gangrene hangs on every word. bullshit endings to stories unheard. it's unheard of to me to not fathom doom. so, what did you find in my emperor's tomb? some notebooks, some tee-shirts, some bad spelling errors. strangled syntax, broken bottles and chairs. this here is my legacy. i leave all of this to thee. drink at the funeral. piss on the corpse. yell at the sun till your voice is all hoarse. i'm gone. this is good bye. dead as a dream beneath a grey chicago sky...."
A Boring Story
"no more smile and no more outrage
apathy pervasive emotions narcoleptic
no more smiles since fucking sunday
sinking feelings drinking early stinking septic..."
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