Laymen Terms - Eternity Lyrics
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Eternity Song Lyrics
Laymen Terms
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I drew your name in the sand
But the tide washed it all away.
She came along and made it seem like eternity.
Now I'm writing her name.
But it doesn't write the same
As the six letters that have been
Washed into my brain.
Nothing's better than you.
So where's your mind?
I could never treat you so bad.
Nothing's better than you.
So where's your mind?
Nothing's better than
Nothing's better than you.
Shut the door and dim the lights
And I'll call you over for a perfect night.
Cause if she's all I've got tonight,
You're all I need.
The truth is I could never love that girl, so stop your dreaming.
The truth is she's been felt more than a blind man's brail.
Nothing's better than you.
So where's your mind?
I could never treat you so bad.
Nothing's better than you.
So where's your mind?
Nothing's better than
Nothing's better than you.
Shut the door and dim the lights
And I'll call you over for a perfect night.
Cause if she's all I've got tonight,
You're all I need.
She'll never be as good as
Everything you do
And everyway you prove
That nothing's better than
Eternity Lyrics
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Other Laymen Terms song Lyrics
"I've been dreaming of this since I was seventeen.
Nothing comes between
My motivation my
Destination. Somebody please..."
Amount To Nothing
"I couldn't resist the temptation
To hit you back with a new sensation
And love you like I should.
With nothing but lies and words to make you cry...."
Back To When
"What you want from me is a better set mind,
Well so do I. But it takes time,
So shut your gutter mouth and give me more time.
And I'll take it in, breathe you out...."
Cellar Doors
"White on black.
Red on blue.
It's all here except the chance to grow.
And it's so dark beyond your cellar doors,..."
Cutting Onions In AM
"lying in my bed awake, thinking of this pain you create. all those voices i hear, i scream for my silence to stay. you're growing away from me i'm trying to make you see that we, were never meant to be, to die for. i'm driving by your house 6 in the morning with nothing to think more than you're to die for, 24 hours of obsession with your picture on my wall. replacing you with sunny days, still won't make these grey clouds break. all these sites i see wishing your beauty would fucking fade away. anna, no one's ever taken so much from me, and left me with nothing. it's time, to move on with our lives, just know i'll be drowning in these rivers cried, over you and these bends straightened forever...."
Falling Down In A Basement
Hold On, Hold Tight
"This whole trip has been a mess.
This last day's been worse than the rest.
And I've got nothing to say to you except
"Hold on, hold tight" this is the ride of your life...."
"Someone said your name,
And sparked every ember. And I
Burst into flames, tried not to remember.
It's not been the same..."
...Show All
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