Le Tigre - This Island Lyrics

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Artist: Le Tigre
Le Tigre Author
Album: This Island (2004)
Le Tigre - This Island Album
Song Title: This Island
Genre: Rock
Visits: 635
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you must not love to hate

you must not take the bait

and learn to hit delete

you'd say the same thing to me

rent's high

and the war's on

and it's last call

even your friends lok worried

my friends think you're smart

we think you're super-fine

but it's high time

i mean it's high tide

aka a fine line, inside

stop smoking those cigarettes, baby

next time it's your turn to save me

splash some water on your little face cos

you're a mess, you're a mess, you're a mess!

you must not roll your eyes

you should not often lie

how could you ever say

that your friends won't be there

it's a long walk on a cold night

when you wanna fight

over some day-old drama

you used to make us laugh

we want the old you back

cos it's high time

i mean it's high tide

aka a fine line, inside

stop smoking those cigarettes, baby

next time it's your turn to save me

splash some water on your little face cos

you're a mess, you're a mess, you're a mess!

this island where we live without a/c

is the city where we learn about painting

it was the title of the mix-tape you gave me

not where we're from but the topic of daydreams

let's take a tour of the bathrooms you cried in

for break-ups, bad lucks, shock of the lost twins

the horizon's like a ship in flames tonight

you say you just don't know

if you can take this city

cos the rent's high

and the war's on

and it's last call

even your friends look worried

my friends all think you're smart

we think you're super-fine

but it's high time

i mean it's high tide

aka a fine line, inside

stop smoking those cigarettes, baby

next time it's your turn to save me

splash some water on your little face cos

you're a mess, you're a mess, you're a mess!

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Other Le Tigre song Lyrics
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    So get your bags packed now and I?ll meet you on the outside...."
  • Seconds
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    It?s show business anyhow
    Why don?t you put that tongue back in your mouth?..."
  • Dont Drink Poison
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    Don?t give our keys to the city to..."
  • After Dark
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    Maybe it's 'cause I can be, you know, like cold as ice.
    In crowded situations I always want to go.
    And if I see you leaving, I beat you to the door...."
  • Nanny Nanny Boo Boo
    "nanny nanny, nanny nanny boo boo
    nanny nanny, nanny nanny boo boo
    nanny nanny, nanny nanny boo boo
    nanny nanny, nanny nanny boo boo..."
  • TKO
    "Want more real attention
    At my expense guess you forgot to mention
    You talk good, I?ll eat glass
    I heard you read my mind behind my back..."
  • Tell You Now
    "ill just tell you now
    cuz i dont think you know
    the things you tried to kill
    i found a way to grow..."
  • New Kicks
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "This Island" album, click "Le Tigre Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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