LeAnn Rimes - Anywhere But Here Lyrics

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Artist: LeAnn Rimes
LeAnn Rimes Author
Song Title: Anywhere But Here
Visits: 621
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Sometimes a time comes along
when it's time to, time to move on
You'll still be there in everything that I do
And wherever I go
I'll remember you

Leaving's not leaving
'cause I'm not, leaving you behind
You'll always be with me, always be with me
Part of my heart for all time
Where I'm going , you're going
Even if it's just in my mind
Leaving's not leaving
I'm not leaving you behind

Moments shared there with you
They're the best times that I ever knew
They'll still be there when goodbyes are all though
I'll remember those days
I'll remember you

Leaving's not leaving
'cause I'm not, leaving you behind
You'll always be with me, always be with me
Part of my heart for all time
Where I'm going , you're going
Even if it's just in my mind
Leaving's not leaving
I'm not leaving you behind

I'll hold on the memories
'cause in my heart you'll be here with me
There's no reason to cry
Goodbye isn't really goodbye

Leaving's not leaving
'cause I'm not, leaving you behind
You'll always be with me, always be with me
Part of my heart for all time
Where I'm going , you're going
Even if it's just in my mind
Leaving's not leaving
I'm not leaving you behind

Leaving's not leaving
Not leaving you behind
I'm not leaving you
I'm not leaving you behind

Leaving's not leaving
I'm not leaving you
I'm not leaving you behind

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  • You Take Me Home
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    Lookin' back on how far I'd come
    Not quite sure what I was runnin' from..."
  • Somethings Gotta Give
    "Jenny's got a job, a cat named Jake
    Thirty-one candles on her birthday cake
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    Thought by now she'd have a man..."
  • Wont Be Lonely Long
    "Leave me lonely
    Just don't keep me hangin' on
    These sleepless nights might kill me
    But what don't break me will make me..."
  • Nothin Bout Love Makes Sense
    "Like a cloud full of rain shouldn't hang in the sky
    Ice shouldn't burn or a bumble bee fly
    If you feel so happy, then why do you cry
    Oh, nothin' 'bout love makes sense..."
  • Probably Wouldnt Be This Way
    "Got a date a week from Friday
    With the preacher's son
    Everybody says he's crazy
    But I'll have to see..."
  • With You
    "A little stretch of river on a big green field
    The kind you see from airplanes, baby
    That's the deal, that's the deal
    A place to plan a future, a place to keep the past..."
  • I Got It Bad
    "Written by LeAnn Rimes, Dean Sheremet, Trey Bruce
    Six a.m. came way to early
    But Friday means it's over soon
    Life gets boring in a hurry..."

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