Lee ryan - Think Of The People Lyrics
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Think Of The People Song Lyrics
Lee ryan
Song Title:
Think Of The People
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All I hear is voices in the crowd
They only whisper though they frown
People say "oh its such a shame"
Still they only look to pass the blame
If we can find a way to work things out
The only way to start is to start now
When are we gonna stand up as people
Realise that people were all equal
We dont want no world war sequel
For the love of god think of the people
When are we gonna stand up as people
Realise that people were all equal
We dont want no world war sequel
For the love of god think of the people
Children always learn by what they see
So we gotta practise what we preach
Don't you know its the game of life
We refuse when we choose to fight
If we can find a way to work things out
The only way to start is it start now
When are we gonna stand up as people
Realise that people were all equal
We don't want no world war sequel
For the love of the god think of the people.
When are we gonna stand up as people
Realise that people were all equal
We dont want no world war sequel
For the love of the god think of the people.
When are we gonna stand up as people
Realise that people were all equal
We dont want no world war sequel
For the love of the god think of the people.
When are we gonna stand up as people
Realise that people were all equal
We dont want no world war sequel
For the love of the god think of the people.
Think Of The People Lyrics
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Other Lee ryan song Lyrics
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Though they only whisper though they frown
People say "oh its such a shame"
Still they only look to pass the blame..."
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