Left Eye - Im Losing You Lyrics

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Artist: Left Eye
Song Title: Im Losing You
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Sometimes I can't find the words to explain exactly how I feel
cause it's deep, real deep
and I just hope that you can see how deep it is by listenin' to this song

now let me open up my heart
and let you read just what I wrote
when you had took them final steps of death and left my heart broken in two
but you had to damn
I wish that I could have a talk with the eternal man
I wish that you was here with me right now holdin' my hand
I feel I can't go on and don't nobody understand
it's makes me wonder why
and if I have to die
why is this my biggest fear
I can only look above and just let heaven wipe my tears

cause if I'm losing you
and if I'm losing you
to whom will I confide, and who will hear my cry
and if I'm losing you
then will you see me through
through the day through the night
though you're gone will you stay
by my side

that all my ?
I wanna talk to the Lord my father
thanks for blessing me when the others wouldn't bother
life goes on, got to stay strong
I'da done some wrong
but I'da done some right too
cried some lonely nights too
and in my heart nobody knows the pain
a chance to hide it
holding back my tears
a chance to fight it
but it's buildin' up inside of me this heavy load
help me Lord before I explode
please take my soul

cause if I'm losing you
and if I'm losing you
to whom will I confide, and who will hear my cry
and if I'm losing you
then will you see me through
through the day through the night
though you're gone will you stay
by my side

see I don't know if I could say goodbye to yesterday
cause when you leave and goto heaven it's

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