M - Pop Muzik Lyrics

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Artist: M
Song Title: Pop Muzik
Visits: 801
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Get up...
Get down...

Radio, video
Boogie with a suitcase
Your livin' in a disco
Forget about the rat race
Let's do the milkshake, sellin' like a hotcake
Try some buy some fee-fi-fo-fum

Talk about, pop musik
Talk about, pop musik

Shoobie doobie do wop
I wanna dedicate this
Pop pop shoo wop
Everybody made it
Shoobie doobie do wop
Infiltrate it
Pop pop shoo wop
Activate it

New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about pop musik
Talk about, pop musik
Talk about, pop musik
Pop pop pop pop musik

Singing in the subway
Shuffle with a shoe shine
Fix me a molotov
I'm on the headline

Wanna be a gun slinger
Don't be a rock singer
Eenie meenie mynie moe
Tell me where you wanna go

Talk about, pop musik
Talk about, pop musik

Shoobie doobie do wop
Lyin' in the tree (?)
Pop pop shoo wop
Eenee meenie
Shoobie doobie do wop
Pop pop shoo wop
You know what I mean

Hit it...

Now you know what to say...

Talk about, pop musik
Pop pop pop pop musik

All around the world
wherever you are
dance in the street anything you like
do it in your car in the middle of the night

La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la

Dance in the supermart
Dig it in the fastlane
Listen to the countdown
They're playin' our song again

I can't get jumping jack
I wanna hold - get back (?)
Moonlight muzak (?)
Knick knack patty whack

Talk about, pop musik
Talk about, pop musik

Shoobie doobie do wop
It's all around you
Pop pop shoo wop
Gonna suround you
Shoobie doobie do wop
It's all around
Pop pop shoo wop

Hit it...

New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about pop musik
Talk about, pop musik
Talk about, pop musik
Pop pop pop pop musik

Now... listen...
Talk about,
Pop pop pop pop musik

Pop Muzik Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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