M2M - Amiga Mia Lyrics

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Artist: M2M
Song Title: Amiga Mia
Visits: 918
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Como otra piel como otro sabor
como otros abrazos otro olor
no habr otros latidos
no habr otros orgasmos
no habr otras promesas
ni otro calor

Aprendiendo de nuevo
despertando en mi cama
no habr otra espalda
la almohada sudada
sea dentro de un taxi
caminando en la calle
o dejando que queme el sol

Como puedo comer como puedo escribir
como puedo sufrir escapar o mentir
si lo nico cierto y lo nico claro
es tu firme salvaje y bendito amor
al olor de tu sangre al sabor de tu cuello
al dolor de tu llanto al color de tu voz
morira maana, moriria en xtasis
morira en el fondo del xtasis

Amiga ma... yo se que nunca vamos a dejar
que este amor se nos vaya

Al oler la maana una frase ingeniosa
los minutos son oro como arena en la sbana
y tomar esa casa y comer en la cama
un caf con helado dibujado en tu espalda
yo me pongo contento ya no nos levantamos
y te aprieto a mi pecho con toda mi alma
morira maana pegado
completamente drogado

Amiga ma... yo se que nunca vamos a dejar
que este amor se nos vaya

An cuando escuches lo peor
te estar amando igual

Amiga ma... yo se que nunca vamos a dejar
que este amor se nos vaya

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Other M2M song Lyrics
  • Babe
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    Lets go out together,
    to check out the world,
    to look at all the things,..."
  • Born To Try
    "Born To Try - delta goodrem
    Doing everything that I believe in
    Going by the rules that I've been taught
    More understanding of what's around me..."
  • Crying
    "ohh ohh
    well i wonder
    could it be?
    when i was dreamin bout you baby..."
  • Dear Diary
    "Dear Diary,
    Something good happened today
    He finally called me by my name
    I didn't know how to behave..."
  • Do You Know What You Want
    "Someone who treats you right
    Stay with you day and night
    I can tell that's what you need
    I know just what to do..."
  • Dont Mess With My Love
    "Don't Mess With My Love
    I thought you were a friend of mine but i was wrong
    You triedto fit in toe arms where I belong
    You moved right in behind my back..."
  • Dont Say You Love Me (Acoustic Version)
    Got introduced to you by a friend
    You were cute and all that
    Baby you set the trend, yes you did oh..."
  • Dont Say You Love Me single
    "Got introduced to you by a friend
    You were cute and all that baby you set the trend
    Yes you did oh
    The next thing I know we're down at the cinema..."
  • ...Show All

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