Maanam - Elektrospiro Contra Zanzara Lyrics

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Artist: Maanam
Song Title: Elektrospiro Contra Zanzara
Visits: 544
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Elektrospiro contra Zanzara
Elektrospiro contra Zanzara
The battle's been raging since time began
The battle's been raging forever

Elektrospiro rules the day
Zanzara is queen of the night
He shines so bright in the light of the sun
Starlight gleams dark in her eyes

Elektrospiro moves like the wind
Zanzara streaks like the dart
There's fear in the air, feel it tremble and guiver
The earth grows cold at its heart

The sun and the moon at the zenith
Look down on the battle below
The dark light of day, the bright light of night
Elektrospiro contra Zanzara

Whistling blades in the dark
Zanzara tenses her body
She must endure, she must ensure
Darkness, darkness forever

Horses and horsemen soar through the sky
Higher and higher and higher
Then topple and tumble down to the ground
Screaming meteors of fire

Diamonds sparkle like stars
Opal burns bright like the sun
The earth keeps spinning, no-one is winning
This battle can never be won

Elektrospiro contra Zanzara
Elektrospiro contra Zanzara
The battle's been raging since time began
The battle's been raging forever

Elektrospiro Contra Zanzara Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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