Machine Head - Colors-Ice-T Lyrics

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Artist: Machine Head
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Song Title: Colors-Ice-T
Visits: 662
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I am a nightmare walking - psychopath talking

king of my jungle - just a gangster stalking

Living life like a firecracker - quick is my fuse

Then dead as a deathpack - the colors I choose

red or blue cause a blood - it just don't matter

Sucker die for your life with my shotgun scatters

we gangs of C.A. will never die....just multiply


you don't know me, fool - you disown me

I don't need your assistance, social persistance

any problem I got I just put my fist in

My life is violent, but violent is life

peace is a dream, reality is a knife

my colors my honour my colors my all

with my colors upon me one soldier stands tall

tell me what have you left me, what have I got

last night in cold blood my boy --- got shot

my home got jacked, my mother's on crack

my sister can't work cause her arms show trax

Madness insanity - live in profanity

then some punk claimin they understandin me

give me a break, what world do you live in

death is my sect, guess my religion


My pants are saggin braided hair

suckers stare but I don't care

my game ain't knowledge - my game's fear

I've no remorse so squares beware

But my true mission is just revenge

you ain't in my sect, you ain't my friend

wear the wrong color - your life could end

homocides my favorite venge (beach?)


I'll just walk like a giant - police defiant

you'll say to stop - but I'll say that I can't

my gangs my family - it's all that I have

I'm a star - on the walls is my autograph

You don't like it - so you know where you can go

cause the streets are my stage - and terror's my show

psyco-analize - tried diagnising me wise

It wasn't your brother that brutally died

But it was mine - so let me define

my territory don't cross the line

Don't try to act crazy - cause the shit don't thank me

you can be read like a punk - it wouldn'ta made (amaze?) me

cause my colors death - thou we all want peace

but our war won't end - till all will cease


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    You said when that day would come
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  • 11 Block
    "If you're wondering why
    All the love that you long for eludes you
    And people are rude and cruel to you
    I'll tell you why..."
  • 2 Old
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    the decimation of all that is pure pure
    A system that feeds the machine with
    the blood, sweat and money of the poor poor..."
  • 3 a Thousand Lies
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    6000 years is the time that I shall reign
    And with a grin drank the blood of holy swine
    Impurity made the blood turn into wine..."
  • 4 None but My Own
    "What is a man that stays true to the game
    But has to cheat a little to get by
    Well that is a person that I know to well
    Don't want to know, but I don't have to ask why..."
  • 5 the Rage to Overcome
    "I am only nothing, I am only this
    I am just a man with these two fists
    You have asked forgiveness
    You have asked respect..."
  • 6 Death Church
    "This world does not want me
    This world does not care
    And I am a product of this world
    Confused, I'd say that's fair..."

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