Mack 10 F/ T-Boz - Tight To Def Lyrics
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Mack 10 F/ T-Boz Singer Lyrics
Tight To Def Song Lyrics
Mack 10 F/ T-Boz
Song Title:
Tight To Def
Print Version
[Mack 10]
Get money
T-Boz, Mack 10
Millennium Bonnie & Clyde
We hoo bangin' and hoo ridin'
I was raised in the hood so what the heck
So I represent the Wood and get respect
Catch me in the club parlayin'
Taking flicks with about hundred different 'certs
Up in my mix
I never knew nothin' but the hustle
I was able to deal
What they call the root of evil
Got me living on the hills
Still rollin' chrome boy, it's on boy
You can take the boy out the hood
But not the hood out the homeboy
When I walked into the place
Everybody could read my face
I am the illest bitch inside
Swing low, now let me ride
Playa, playa did I mention please
Have you sick down to your knees
Think you're good enought to tap, please
Now sing the hook ladies, hey
1 - [T-Boz]
Rollin' through the hood and it feels alright
Picking any fella that I want tonight
And if I feel like it, I just might
Cause I know, I know I'm tight, to def
Repeat 1
I step to the flyest guy
Look him dead ass in his eye
Check myself cause I know I'm fly
No need to ask me why
If you pull out I just might
Don't front or believe the hype
I come real, ain't the average type
Dut-dut-duta-dut, duta-dut
Repeat 1 (2x)
[Mack 10]
You haters is trife
You wish you had my life
Living in a three point somethin' with an R&B wife
I take care of my crew
Just ask my boo
Cause if I buy me some ice
Then I lace her too
My peak position on the charts is always one
And I never leave the house without packing a gun
Remember me back in my youth
But in case you missed it
Don't mess around and get done
Gettin' this rap stuff twisted
Mack got NBA figures like I'm hoopin'
You can catch me rag 'rari scoopin'
Or either Bentley Coupin'
You need to check your girl partna
She just blew me a kiss
Look at her jockin' the ice around my neck and my wrist
Her friend came up to me and said
I didn't want to stare but it's like a hood rat dream
To get to braid your hair
I said keep it real shorty it just ain't the brains alone
It's that whole thug mentality that turns you on
Now ain't it?
Repeat 1 (2x)
[Mack 10](T-Boz)
Hustle right to there ain't nothing left
And keep it tight to def
Hustle right to there ain't nothing left
And keep it tight to def
(Huh? Talk about it be about it)
Hustle right to there ain't nothing left
And keep it tight to def
(You know what they say, steady long, steady wrong)
Hustle right to there ain't nothing left
And keep it tight to def
Repeat 1 till end
Tight To Def Lyrics
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