Mad Machinery - Silent Mourning (Let The Music Play) Lyrics
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Silent Mourning (Let The Music Play) Song Lyrics
Mad Machinery
Song Title:
Silent Mourning (Let The Music Play)
Print Version
I'm on fire
My emotions run so deep
You vowed to love me
Is that a vow you'll keep?
Your smile is so tender
You got me sighing in sweet surrender
Your touch is so pleasing
Makes me warm inside
Makes me feel I'm alive
And I can't resist the heavenly bliss
The magic concealed in your kiss
You must realize what I see in your eyes
Takes me beyond the sky
Silent Morning
I wake up and you're not by my side
Silent Morning
You know how hard I tried
Silent Morning
They say a man's not supposed to cry
Silent Morning
Why did your love have to be a lie?
I'm on fire
And you're my every desire
A living fantasy
And you know just what to do for me
I love the things you do
Here open arms waiting for you
A welcome whisper
Makes me warm inside
Makes me feel I'm alive
And I can't resist the heavenly bliss
The magic concealed in your kiss
You must realize what I see in your eyes
Takes me to paradise
Silent Morning
I wake up and you're not by my side
Silent Morning
How could our love have died?
Silent Morning
They say a man's not supposed to cry
Silent Morning
Why did your love have to be a lie?
You lied again, my love
You'll lie again, my love
We started dancing and love put us into a groove
(As soon as we started to move)
The plan was we would share this feeling between ourselves
(But she went to dance with someone else)
She tried pretending a dance is just a dance but I see
(She's dancing her way back to me)
Love say?
Let the music play
She won't get away
Just keep the groove
And then she'll come back to you again
(Let it play)
Silent Mourning (Let The Music Play) Lyrics
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Other Mad Machinery song Lyrics
"Into the Sea we'd wade forward with hope and ease?
And no trace of memory
Our Sun that watches high above so fervently
Would shine Prophetically..."
Chasing Your Tail
"You've been laying low, your world's inside
You found a place to hide
I believed all the things that you said
I found truth in those lies..."
"We've grown too quickly too soon
And our joints are grinding from the pressure
We've known, perhaps, all along
But content to move in one direction..."
The Quickening
"Come on, let's swim out past the breakers
To search for answers we've missed
There's something coming, can't you feel it?
Lost Words were written about this?..."
The Synapse
"Somewhere in the corner of your mind
A faded memory you left behind
Dreams of sun and boats with sails
Fields of grass and faerie tales..."
"I've packed my bags again
I leave here today
The river? my only friend
The sunset lights my way..."
Waltz of Nadir
"I know how they disappoint you
I know how they make you feel
I smell the scent of your anguish
That you would like to conceal..."
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