Madkap - Eventually Lyrics
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Eventually you will be born
And you will feel the pain of breathing air for the first time.
Eventually you will gag and taste iron
Eventually you will grow bitter
Morning will make you sick yeah
You will become lazy boredom will drive you crazy
You will hate school you will question and demand
Eventually you will disobey with a cause
And express your frustration
You will protest you will march against
For different causes, you will raise Din,
Defying authority-creating mayhem.
You will hate cops; bear arms and form gangs
Eventually you'll sabotage and terrorize.
You will say no over my dead body
Eventually you will be desensitized to violence
You will hate the rich and they would feel it
You will mark a graffiti statement.
Eventually you will fight the power
And win the right to expose the battle,
Eventually you will have the impression to fight against,
To realize you are fighting for
Eventually they will build a seatbelt around your freedom.
And raise the price of gas.
Eventually they will justify state taxes,
It will become illegal to die, and legal to kill
Racism may power, hate may conquer
You will spread rumors and send tremors
Eventually you will become dirty
Eventually you will be deify, and loose perspective
You will be puffed up with pride wearing that flag
Eventually anger will surface, graves will be dug
You will learn the art of war, you will kill with words and guns and rapes
You will be tricked you will be fooled
You will settle for the answer they give you
You will be bought at a cheep price
You will replace a tyrant by a meaner tyrant
You will give up on your dreams and mentally die.
You will feel the pain of breathing free air for the last time.
Profit at all cost will become a government policy
For the first time in your life you will starve looking at food through a glass
You will loose faith in this system of thing
You will be sapped away by jealousy
You will follow in the footstep of Cain;
Eventually you will become an atheist.
Your words will imprison you;
Your actions will sentence you,
You will be jailed, hospitalized, I.V. fed
You will be drugged,
We will drive you insane.
You will learn to wheel a chair
Are you ready to hop?
Eventually you will drink your mistake away and wake up in rags
Eventually you will love someone who hates you.
Eventually you will drown in sorrow and flirt with suicide
Some will think about it, will act upon it,
Eventually your friends will betray you
Will boycott them bones
You 'ill devalue life greatest gift. who is life?
Always looking for the meaning it
Eventually you will mourn, eventually you will cry.
Eventually you will get sick you will see me die.
Dying isn't so bad you know when you have nil
No hopes, no dream, nobody to love
Dying isn't so bad you know when you have zero
No future, No peace, no where to rest
Could be a deliverance from oppressors
From land mines, from a missing leg
From the pain to watch evil powerless
Freedom will keep you captive restraining your movement.
They will mute your accusations
Forcing you to hear propaganda
Forcing you to see true lie
Raping your innocence
Making what's bad good
and What's good bad
Misleading you in every which way they excel.
Until you're so blind you cant see that you are following a blind.
You will grow weak and become old
In time you wont memorize your early life,
Your skin will slowly mold
Diseases will rapidly take control
No more able to do the things you love
Over and done in an old age home
You will cease to exist
Eventually life will kill you.
If you live long enough!
Eventually Lyrics
at Lyricstrue
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