Madness - If I Didnt Care Lyrics

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Artist: Madness
Madness Author
Album: Wonderful (2000)
Madness - Wonderful Album
Song Title: If I Didnt Care
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 585
Print Version

I know there's time,
I know there's time,
I know there's time,
For us,
I know there's time

If I didn't care,
Would it be the same?
If I didn't care,
Would I feel this way?
If this isn't love,
Then why do I thril?
And what makes my head go round and round,
While my heart stands still?
If I didn't care,
Would it be the same?
Would my every prair
Begin and end with just your name?
And could I be sure that this is love
Beyond compare?
Would all this be true
If I didn't care for you?

If I didn't care?

I know there's time,
I know there's time,
I know there's time,
for us,
I know there's time

If I didn't care,
More than words can say,
If I didn't care,
Would I feel this way?
And if this isn't love,
Then why do I thrill?
And what makes my head go round and round,
While my heart stands still?

I know there's time,
I know there's time,
I know there's time,
for us,
I know there's time

I know there's time,
I know there's time,
I know there's time,
for us,
I know there's time

I know there's time,
I know there's time,
I know there's time,
for us,
I know there's time

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Wonderful" album, click "Madness Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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