Madness - Inanity Over Christmas Lyrics

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Artist: Madness
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Song Title: Inanity Over Christmas
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Inanity Over Christmas

Hello, everyone out there. This is Carl and the rest of Madness
We'd just like to bring you a bit of Christmas cheer
Please remember to keep a smile on your face till the New Year

Hello, this is Woody. And we've got a little song for you. Merry Christmas
1, 2, 3, 4

Hiya, Merry Christmas everyone, Mark here. I'm going to play a bit of bass for you now

Hello, this is Chris, Happy Christmas

Hi, Lee Kix here, filling your stocking
I play sax
But also, I sing at the same time
Baffling, eh?

Well, it's jingling bells, it's Christmas time
Santa fetches his sack
Snowdrop glitter falls from the skies
To settle upon each and everyone's back

Chimney sweeps take to the streets
In the ongoing situation
Pages freeze upon your pension book
And up flies the flag of inflation

And all this time I'll be waiting up by the chimney stack
On this coldest year since brrrr, up above upon a reindeer's back

Stop off at the Rock of Gibraltar
Tea under the {indecipherable} of Malta
Wrap up warmer in Warsaw
Cruise over the flats of Alaska

And all this time I'll be waiting up by the chimney stack
On this coldest year since brrrr, up above upon a reindeer's back

I hope you've enjoyed this song so far. This is Suggs, and now I am going to take it away
OK, lads, let's close it together

And all this time I'll be waiting up by the chimney stack
On this coldest year since brrrr, up above upon a reindeer's back

OK, quiet everybody. This should go on here
Er, help me with those baggy {indecipherable}, there


You'll never take me alive, copper
Look, reindeer, don't be silly, just come on down
I'm going to get that conny to ma
Don't waste anymore, sit down this is holding the pace up
Shove it, copper, I stick a grapefruit in your face
You what? You're out of a bloody job now come on down again
Nothing's going to stop us singing, copper
Even if I have got to come down and tell you myself
And stick it in your face
I'm going to send in the troops if you don't come down
We're going to keep singing in every home in the nation
Do whatever you want to do. What? That's it!
You stupid flatfoot, you'll never take me alive
I'm on top of the world, boy

Up above the chimney stack, by the chimney

{indecipherable}, Chris, quieten down over there, will you
I'm trying to get a message across, you know
I'm going to change the world overnight, yeah

Thank you

Thank you

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