Madonna - The Ladys Got Potential Lyrics
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The Ladys Got Potential Song Lyrics
Evita - CD1 (1996)
Song Title:
The Ladys Got Potential
Print Version
In June of forty-three there was a military coup
Behind it was a gang called the G.O.U.
Who did not feel the need to be elected
They had themselves a party at the point of a gun
They were slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun
A bomb or two and very few objected
Yeah, just one shell and governments fall like flies, kapow, die
They stumble and fall, bye bye
Backs to the wall, aim high
We're having a ball
The tank and bullet rule as democracy dies
The lady's got potential, she was setting her sights
On making it in movies with her name in lights
The greatest social climber since Cinderella
OK, she couldn't act but she had the right friends
And we all know a career depends
On knowing the right fella to be stellar
Yeah, just one shell and governments lose their nerve, kapow, die
They stumble and fall, bye bye
Backs to the wall, aim high
We're having a ball
That's how we get the government we deserve
Now the man behind the President calling the shots
Involved so discreetly in a lot of their plots
Was Colonel Juan Peron, would be dictator
He began in the army out in Italy so
Saw Mussolini's rise from the very front row
I reckon he'd do likewise sooner or later
Yeah, just one blast and the tear gas falls like rain, kapow, die
They haven't a chance, bye bye
The terrorists advance
But one guy doesn't dirty his hands
Peron was biding time out in the slow lane
Yeah, suddenly an earthquake hit the town of San Juan, kapow, die
They stumble and fall, bye bye
Keep away from the wall
But one guy was having a ball
The tragedy, a golden chance for Peron
He organized a concert with incredible flair
In aid of all the victims, such a grand affair
Politicians, actors, stars of every flavor
It was January twenty-second, 1944
A night to remember, yeah, that's for sure
For that's the night that Peron first met Eva
For that's the night that Peron first met Eva
The Ladys Got Potential Lyrics
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Other Madonna song Lyrics
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"You say that you need my love
And you're wantin' my body, I don't mind
Baby all I've got is time
And I'm waiting to make you mine..."
I Know It
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These tears I cry for you are so hopeless, yeah
I don't know why I thought that we were going somewhere
But you grabbed your coat and you were out the door..."
Lucky Star
"You must be my Lucky Star
'Cause you shine on me wherever you are
I just think of you and I start to glow
And I need your light..."
"Something in the way you love me won't let me be
I don't want to be your prisoner so baby won't you set me free
Stop playing with my heart
Finish what you start..."
Burning Up
"Don't put me off 'cause I'm on fire
And I can't quench my desire
Don't you know that I'm burning up for your love
You're not convinced that is enough..."
"Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
If we took a holiday
Took some time to celebrate..."
Think Of Me
"I'm getting tired of waitin' around
I feel like I'm always trackin' you down
I don't wanna point my finger at you
But there's something you're forgettin'..."
"I know you've been waiting, yeah
I've been watching you, yeah
I know you wanna get up, yeah
Come on..."
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