Madonna - Wheres The Party Lyrics
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Madonna Singer Lyrics
Wheres The Party Song Lyrics
True Blue (1986)
Song Title:
Wheres The Party
Dance: Pop
Print Version
Working Monday through Friday
Takes up all of my time
If I can get to the weekend
Everything will work out just fine
That's when I can go crazy
That's when I can have fun
Time to be with my baby
Time to come undone
Where's the party [where's the party]
I want to free my soul
Where's the party [where's the party]
I want to lose control
Where's the party [where's the party]
I want to free my soul
Where's the party [where's the party]
I want to lose control
Couldn't wait to get older
Thought I'd have so much fun
I guess I'm one of the grown-ups
Now I have to get the job done
People give me the business
I'm not living in fear
I'm just living in chaos
Gotta get away from here
Don't want to grow old too fast
Don't want to let the system get me down
I've got to find a way to make the good times last
And if you show me how, I'm ready now
Slow down you move too fast
Gonna make the good times last
Gonna let my hair hang down
I'm ready now
Where's the party [where's the party]
Where's the party [where's the party]
Someone tell me
Where's the party [where's the party]
Come on, come on, come on
Where's the party [where's the party]
Come stai (Italian for "how are you?")
Oh yeah
Slow down you move too fast
Gonna make the good times last
Gonna let my hair hang down
I'm ready now
Where's the party [where's the party]
Where's the party [where's the party]
Someone tell me
Where's the party [where's the party]
Come on, come on, come on
Where's the party [where's the party]
We can make it all right
We can make you dance
We can make a party last all night
(repeat 7 times
Wheres The Party Lyrics
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Other Madonna song Lyrics
Physical Attraction
"You say that you need my love
And you're wantin' my body, I don't mind
Baby all I've got is time
And I'm waiting to make you mine..."
I Know It
"I don't know why I thought that I could make you happy
These tears I cry for you are so hopeless, yeah
I don't know why I thought that we were going somewhere
But you grabbed your coat and you were out the door..."
Lucky Star
"You must be my Lucky Star
'Cause you shine on me wherever you are
I just think of you and I start to glow
And I need your light..."
"Something in the way you love me won't let me be
I don't want to be your prisoner so baby won't you set me free
Stop playing with my heart
Finish what you start..."
Burning Up
"Don't put me off 'cause I'm on fire
And I can't quench my desire
Don't you know that I'm burning up for your love
You're not convinced that is enough..."
"Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
If we took a holiday
Took some time to celebrate..."
Think Of Me
"I'm getting tired of waitin' around
I feel like I'm always trackin' you down
I don't wanna point my finger at you
But there's something you're forgettin'..."
"I know you've been waiting, yeah
I've been watching you, yeah
I know you wanna get up, yeah
Come on..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "True Blue" album, click "
Madonna Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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