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Mae-What You Want Song Lyrics
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Tell me what you want
Tell me what you want
Just tell me what you want
Tell me what you want
Tell me what you want
Tell me what you want
[1] - Tell me what you want for me
Take a look at what you see
Let me know if this right here
Is something you can have for years
Tell me what you want for me
Take a look at what you see
Let me know if this right here
Is something you can have for years
Now Mase be the man wanna see you doing good
I don't wanna get rich, leave you in the hood
Girl, in my eyes you the baddest
The reason why I love you, you don't like me cuz my status
I don't wanna see you with a carriage living average
I wanna do my thing so we be established
And I don't want you rock in them fabrics
Girl, I will give you karats 'till you feel you a rabbit
Anything in your path, you want you can have
Walk through the mall, if you like it you can grab
Total it all up and put it on my tab
And then tell your friends all the fun you had
[Repeat 1]
Hey Mama, won't you come here to Papa?
You don't like the way your tata's lookin at Shada?
In a 600 ain't no smokin' cigada
Come over here, I think I see your baby faddah
Here ya go the number to my casa
If you in a rush you call me manana
Whatever you need girlfriend, I got the whole enchilada
Just the way you like it, Mase gon' do you propa'
Girl, I can tell you was meant for me
I can tell by the way you was sent to me
While I'm on tour trying to make them centuries
And they ask who your man, you better mention me
If you don't you know you got a problem
Said you want no beef girlfriend don't s
| Mae-What You Want Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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