Maggie Reilly - Every Single Heartbeat Lyrics
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Maggie Reilly Singer Lyrics
Every Single Heartbeat Song Lyrics
Maggie Reilly
Midnight Sun (1993)
Song Title:
Every Single Heartbeat
Print Version
Every single heartbeat...
I see you sleeping
Hungry for every smile on your face
I feel you in every single heartbeat
I hear you breathing
Worries are gone and leave no trace
We're closer with every single heartbeat
There's such a rhythm inside my head
My soul is dancing, I'm not afraid
I feel a rush every time you're near
And in the stillness all I hear
Every single heartbeat...
Lost in wonder
How did we find a love like this?
Together we'll chase away the darkness
Every single heartbeat...
It's so amazing
Carried along on waves of bliss
Lifting our spirits, soaring higher
There's such a rhythm inside my head
My soul is dancing, I'm not afraid
I feel a rush every time you're near
And in the stillness all I hear
Every single heartbeat...
I watch you dreaming
Follow you to your secret place
Together with every single heartbeat
I feel the rhythm when you are near
And in the stillness all I hear
Every single heartbeat...
Lost in wonder
How did we find a love like this?
Together we'll chase away the darkness
Every single heartbeat...
It's so amazing
Carried along on waves of bliss
Lifting our spirits, soaring higher
I feel a rhythm inside my head
My soul is dancing
I'm not afraid
In the stillness you are here
Ooh in my soul of love
You changed my life
(Now my heart beats for you)
So many ways
Every single heartbeat...
And all I do
Sending love on its way to you
I don't get down, I'm never blue
I know your heart beats for me too
Every single heartbeat...
And all I do
Reminds me that you feel it too
When I'm alone a voice comes through
Tells me I found love
Every single heartbeat...
Lost in wonder
How did we find a love like this?
Together we'll chase away the darkness
Every single heartbeat...
It's so amazing
Carried along on waves of bliss
Lifting our spirits, soaring higher
Every single heartbeat...
Lost in wonder
How did we find a love like this?
Together we'll chase away the darkness
Every single heartbeat...
It's so amazing
Carried along on waves of bliss
Lifting our spirits, soaring higher
Every Single Heartbeat Lyrics
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Other Maggie Reilly song Lyrics
Everytime We Touch
"Every single heartbeat...
I see you sleeping
Hungry for every smile on your face
I feel you in every single heartbeat..."
Tears In The Rain
"Fly away
I will be there with you
Even though you want to be free
You carry my love along..."
"Is it just imagination
Or have we met before
The look in your eyes
You came in through the door..."
Youll Never Lose
"How can I show you what I feel when we're together
When nothing I can do can seem to make it right
I always wanted perfect love to last forever
Now all that I can see is the writing on the wall..."
"Many turned to see the light
Wondering if tomorrow would they know
Real World
"Tell me I've been dreaming
Or did I hear you right
Now you say you want me back again
You play with my emotions..."
Im Sorry
"What's on your mind, you go away
I never know so I will follow you today
Where do you go, why can't you see
I do my very best to hide my jealousy..."
"Lying in my bed alone
and whispering your name,
Wonder where you are tonight
and do you feel the same,..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Midnight Sun" album, click "
Maggie Reilly Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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