Maggie Reilly - Sheba Lyrics

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Artist: Maggie Reilly
Maggie Reilly Author
Song Title: Sheba
Visits: 823
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Sa-na gha-e e-goo ga-ka e-ge ga-ka wroo
E-ge ga-ka wroo-goo goo goo
Sa-na gha-e e-goo ga-k e-ge a-ka wroo
E-ge ga-ka wroo-goo ga-ga
Sa-ga oo-goo we ga-noo sa-e-ga
Oo-goo wa-ga ga-ka we sa-noo se-ya
Wa-ga oo-goo we ga-noo sa-e-ga
Oo-ga ga-ga wa-ka we sa-noo se-va
Na ga-ka oo-goo we ga-noo da-ya
Ga wa-ga ga oo-goo we wa na de-ya

Sa-na sha-e e-goo gam-ma e-ge gan-na wroo
E-ge gan-na wroo
Wroo-goo sa-na sha-e e-goo gam-ma e-ge gan-na wroo
We-ge gan-na wroo
Gan-na sa-na ghoo noo we ga-na sha-we-ga
Wroo noo na-na wa-ga
We sa-nu sa-va
Sa-na shoo-noo ne ga-noo sha-we-ga
Wroo-goo wan-na wa-ga we sa-noo sa-wa
Wa wa-ga who goo we wa-ga ghe-a
Ga wa-ga gan-na wroo goo we wa-ga ghe-a

Ga-e-a-ga ga-e e-goo sa-na wa-ma sa-na wroo
Ga-na- sa-na wam-ma goo-noo
Wa-ma gha-e e-goo sa-na
Wa-ma ga-na wroo noo sa-ya-noo sa-ya-noo
Sa-na wroo goo wran-ne wra-na wroo goo dan da da-e
Da ya who da
Sa-na nroo goo nra-na nra-ma
Hroo goo dan dar da-e da-ya-hoo da-ya-hoo
Sa-na sa-e e-goo ga-ma wa-ga ga-ma wroo
Wa-ga ga-ma wroo
Oo-noo sa-na sa-e e-goo ga-ma wa-ga ga-ma wroo

Wa-ga ga-na wroo
Ga-na sa-na wroo noo wre ga-noo sa-we-ga
Wroo goo wa-na wa-ga we sa-noo sa-wa
Sa-na wroo goo we ga-noo sa-we-ga
Wroo goo wra-ma wa-ga we sa-noo sa-va
Wra wa-ga wroo goo we ga-ga ge-a
Ga wra-ga gam-ma wroo goo we ga-ga ge-a
Ga-e-e-ga ga-e-e-goo sa-na wa-ma sa-na wroo
Wa-ma sa-na ra ma goo noo ra-ma
Ga-e-e-goo sa-na wa-ma ga-na wroo
Wa-ma ga-na sa-e-ya-noo

Sa-na wroo goo nra-ne-ra-ma
Nroo goo dan da da-e da-ya hoo ga
Sa-na nroo goo nre-ne-ra-ma
Nroo goo dan da da-e da-ya-hoo da-ya-hoo
Sa-na sa-e e-goo ga-na we-ge-ga-na wroo
We-ge-ga-na wroo
Hroo-noo sa-na sa-e e-goo ga-ma e-ge ga-na wroo
E-ge ga-na wroo
Hroo-goo sa-na sa-e e-goo ga-ma e-ge ga-na wroo
E-ge ga-na wroo
Nroo-noo sa-na sa-e e-goo ga-ma e-ge ga-na wroo
E-ge ga-na wroo
E-ge ga-na wroo
E-ge ga-na wroo

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    Or did I hear you right
    Now you say you want me back again
    You play with my emotions..."
  • Im Sorry
    "What's on your mind, you go away
    I never know so I will follow you today
    Where do you go, why can't you see
    I do my very best to hide my jealousy..."
  • Wait
    "Lying in my bed alone
    and whispering your name,
    Wonder where you are tonight
    and do you feel the same,..."

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