Magic Dirt - Vulcanella Lyrics

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Artist: Magic Dirt
Song Title: Vulcanella
Visits: 592
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Oh no pretty boy stalactite eyes when I 'm
surprised flights flying haystacks itchy
in the night playing rubbing hosting your
sweat rearing and realising attempts to
keep you are swift like molastic
scholastic yells rebels in studio forms
and gargantuan sustantuan byzantine flys
hat tricks in the ointment leaving me
precious in times and tides looking at
water and watering your cans bees knees
trusting me in Cantonese I believe you
love me and I won't falter if you say the
word leaving it dangling like precious
pearls going south before the times change
hinging quickly dreaming of razor teeth
kisses always clashing white sharks teeth
bent beneath frozen ice scream vanilla
pods in your eyes yes yes yes a disguise
running out of words at birth beneath the
coolness and dryness and desert rain am I
old again sitting low window frost going
lost hidden bully near the sizzling
hotness veils and veils of you cat eyes
big eyes green eyes yellow eyes don't
plague me with those eyes spells and
charms stay strong young girl inside colt
of fault and bolting upsized revealing
your ceiling I could be mean and turn away
and ignore this feeling I could be afraid
and make sure I never have to deal with
you or the feeling from reeling after
letting myself in could there be hurt and
I silence the voices in my head that make
me forget just follow my heart follow your
heart just follow my heart around like a
newfoundland pup like a pet I love you for
ignoring me You think you can make me wait
here so long Can you make me make me make
me wait here so long I don't wait here
that long wait here wait here I'm happy
now and unhappy tomorrow Are you happy? I
don't wanna write a song I don't wanna get
along I don't wanna make it clear could I
maybe be parallel could they all know how
I feel can they read my mind is it on
display stuck out on hinges from barely
knowing how far this was gonna go little
did I know little bird head flying around
your room it's the first time I tried not
to care and just focus on you I didn't
plot didn't plan stayed as natural as I
can maybe you made me nervous is it a
problem is it like a useless surface
you'll never be a little beast you'll
never push my button ooooh I'll learn to
take the pressure off ya I'll be with you
shortly give up give in let go step up
step in give in step on let on light up
sit straight can't wait It's a stand off
exactly in ecstasy what a stunning
likeness you are to me you've got my watch
on la la la na na na na try not to screw
your nose up at the idea of cold stones
and the rush of wet water watcha gonna say
about it? watcha gonna do? rate you're
liability for a reflection of your desire
I'm gonna die soon from this constant
pursuit it's too short it's too long not
enough too strong long roses in your bed I
wanna wear an orange jumper and get my
aura read in a cave somewhere I don't
wanna master one I just want 5,000 more
gimme gimme gimme if you give it I'll take
it you give it I'll take it I said You
stayed Not my fault At this stage You're
channeling You're pummeling crazy thoughts
burn baby burn I scream under your face
like a guillotine I can't help it ooooh
I'm gonna freeze on your knees for weeks I
can't help it I feel like smashing my head
on your warm feather bed nothing you said
can make me wait another day is it too
romantic if I cover you in sand cos you
don't like it and it's all coming out now
like a blueprint machine with graphs of my
thoughts read by a noble island queen oh
oh oh oh get it on from the bottom to the
top I'm obsessed again turning you into
signs and objects to place and twiddle
above my head like a hanging mobile happy

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    Snip out your brave little tails,..."
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    Little mind, small deal,..."
  • Bodysnatcher
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    He's the crusher
    Look at that man
    Using a little red blusher..."
  • Brat
    "Don't listen to me when I talk like that
    When I talk a lot of crap
    And it's at your back
    I don't wanna stain you..."

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