Magnet - Lay Lady Lay- with Gemma Hayes Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> M>> Magnet Singer Lyrics>> Lay Lady Lay- with Gemma Hayes Song Lyrics
Artist: Magnet
Magnet Author
Album: On Your Side (2004)
Magnet - On Your Side Album
Song Title: Lay Lady Lay- with Gemma Hayes
Genre: Indie
Visits: 827
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Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.
Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.

Whatever colors you have in your mind.
I'll show them to you and you'll see them shine.

Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.
Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.
Until the break of day, let me see you make 'em smile.

Your clothes are dirty but your hands are clean.
And I'm the best thing that you've ever seen.
(Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.)
Why wait any longer for the world to begin?
You can have your cake and eat it too.
(Why wait any longer for the one you love?
I am standin' in front of you.)

Lay lady lay, lay across my big brass bed.
Stay lady stay, stay with your man awhile.

You long to see me in the morning light.
You long to reach for me in the night.
(Stay lady stay, stay while the night is still ahead.)
So maybe I'll stay, stay while the night is still ahead.
(Stay lady stay, stay while the night is still ahead.)
So maybe I'll stay,
[Both]: stay while the night is still ahead.

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Other Magnet song Lyrics
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  • Last Day Of Summer
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  • The Day We Left Town
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  • Nothing Hurts Now
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    Something that would hold,
    And wouldn't leave me cold...."
  • Overjoyed
    "I'm overjoyed, and in the sun,
    the second time this year.
    I'm on a plane at 30,000 feet.
    The only way from here is down...."
  • Ill Come Along
    "I'll come along with you
    I'm blessed tonight
    I'll get it right
    I'm self assured like you..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "On Your Side" album, click "Magnet Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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