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19 Witches Song Lyrics
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You're floating there you're handing me, a snake inside a jar,
It's just to cool, I do believe, you're what you say you are,
How many days was I in that psychotic submarine
I stumbled out, I took my turn, and now I've made your scene
And I am cross, a sacrifice, and born in Vietnam,
You'll take me home in your machine and tell me about your plan
Come-on on in
Come-on on in
And put your hands on me
Come-on on in
Come-on on in
My love will set your free
I said woa, ho, ho, I'm in love again
Woa, ho, ho, you're so strange
I said woa, ho, ho, I'm in love again
Woa, ho, ho, you're so strange...so very strange
They'll hang me here, they'll make me pay, if I do what they don't like
So cast your sin quick and bite my lip, and screw my brain up tight
Come-on on in
Come-on on in
And put your claws in me
Come-on on in
Come-on on in
In tune of my machine
I said woa, ho, ho, I'm in love again
Woa, ho, ho, you're so strange...so very strange
Strange little baby...strange little baby...
| 19 Witches Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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