Maia Tim - A Festa Do Santo Reis Lyrics

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Artist: Maia Tim
Song Title: A Festa Do Santo Reis
Visits: 709
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Now you've found yourself can you tell me how you feel
Oh you look so well everything seems new and real
Can you rise above all the worldly cares you had
All the foolish thoughts have they really left your head
Yes I'd like to see if you really know for sure
Are you still conviced what you had was less before
Will it last for long you're obsessed by new ideas
There's a change in you but you change most every year
Can you stand there and tell me now
It's not only a dream it's better
It's a part you could play for ever
We all play the game
We all play the game
And 'though we think again still it will be the same
We play the game this foolish game
The search goes on never ending thirst unquenched
What you're looking for someone yet has to invent
Does it please you well did you have to look so hard
And you travel far 'though the answer's in your heart

A Festa Do Santo Reis Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • Dia De Domingo
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    "Do Leme ao Pontal
    Nao h? nada igual
    Do Leme ao Pontal
    Nao h? nada igual..."
  • Eu Amo Voc
    "Do Leme ao Pontal
    Nao h nada igual
    Do Leme ao Pontal
    Nao h nada igual..."
  • Folha De Papel
    "Toda vez que eu olho
    Toda vez que eu chamo
    Toda vez que eu penso em lhe dar
    O meu amor, meu corao..."
  • Gostava Tanto De Voc
    "Olha s o que o vento faz com o papel
    E traga ele a notcia que for
    vai voar, voar
    assim quando se gosta de algum..."
  • ...Show All

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