Main Source - Vamos A Rapiar Lyrics

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Artist: Main Source
Song Title: Vamos A Rapiar
Visits: 601
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If something is yours by right
then fight for it or shut up..."

Si a que estamos con Main Source con El Profesor Grande
Sir Skratch and K Cut y vamos a late los rappers
y no puede en casa

Rappers can dance sing and shake their thing at the same time
But can't rhyme
They probably think that as long as they gettin paid
they can sleep in the shade but they'll fall like a cascade
While I drop skills over drum fills
They'll try to pick up some, and still sound slum
Cause they didn't learn the fundamentals
at this, and I insist that they get dissed
For fraud, their weak rap tunes keep me bored
Sword, due to the type of bullshit they record
Hey and I make em concentrate on the songs I create
And kids can't wait to get they fork knife and plate
So they can chew what I serve with the nerve
To call themselves real, but I know the deal
So I just place all the cards on the trap
Tell them to cut the crap, now let's rap

Si, a que estan allegrando de esos rapid que
sepatan muy grande, que no sabe lo dice haciendo
por no se con fat, pero El Profesor el es sabo
de casiendo, y entien la musica muy buena
y cucata estaba con grande como eso
espendejos sepatan muy grande por alli
y Sir Skratch and K-Cut ellos que estaba DJ
muy bueno. Con sabo por diciendo

Now all you rap clowns let's go the seven rounds
And put down your imaginary frown
Or take it to the streets, with multiple beats
Get as loose as you want, flaunt, no beeps
This time when you rhyme it won't be for a rock show
It'll be on the block so
we can work like strainers, or filters
And find out all remainders and the best builders
Cause so many MC's get star struck
Get on stage and find out that they're washed up
Cause some new jack took em out
But they was sleepin so what's the surprised look about
It ain't hard to tell that your records sell
because your rhymes smell and people scared
of a brother that drop the bombshell
So to show and prove the fact it's, important that you
come and show your tactics, ASAP, let's rap

Ah, que estamos hablando hora de los rapid que
setamos bien de lo calle, y que estan de la
tando de campias un cancione, no sabe por
haciendo. Pero que yo sabe que Main Source
ellos son yan de pierdegre. Quien no en calle
que es la musica por la calle, pierde, OK


Terror on wax, Large Professor K-Cut and Sir Skratch
Kickin it to kids that can't latch
on, to the meaning of a real rap song
Just producing corn, I like to warn
We build it up dis far without sellin out
And still got clout
So you continue to sell and be a sap
And when you're ready to snapback I tell you
Let's rap

Si, porque la esas estamos pidando
y estan estampo que campien la mente
ello pero que, asi lo de la ante
que, effe fiete hora, tiende, pero de la gente
ya no mesti con soul, OK? Voy a que estamos
dice lo pass, y adios

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Other Main Source song Lyrics
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  • Diary of a Hitman
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    right now, your children might grow up like this
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  • Down Low
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    I'm back to rap on wax so guess who's back
    The chart hitter, not a quitter or a bullshitter
    These cats know I'm the best one out the litter..."
  • Fakin the Funk
    "Now I've never been one to knock the next man for getting his
    But this has always been something with which you have to be true
    At the age of 19 heard the scene
    A lot of M.C.'s that do not come clean..."
  • He Got So Much Soul (He Dont Need No Music)
    "Man I had soul since I was negative three months old
    When it came to getting down I was bold
    Kicking steps until you had to put my ass in a choke hold
    And damn near wouldn't fold..."
  • Hellavision
    "* features Mikey D as the rapper instead of the Large Professor
    Now I'm a flip the track and bring you back to reality
    I'm like Wesley Snipes, I act without a salary
    Cause I don't need nobody sayin "Lights, Camera, Action!"..."
  • How My Man Went Down in the Game
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    the roof for her cause he love her. Now that is funny. That's
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    throw my life away for some girl that I just met last year. Yo..."

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